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There is difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is temporary, while Joy, though just three letter words; is permanent

Can anyone smile so much that you feel your mouth begin to ache? I don't think so, but the feeling I felt inside was joy, pure joy. As I sat speaking with Nurse Joy at the hospital garden, I felt relaxed hearing every word she spoke about my Shepherd, it seemed to ease every form of pain I felt.
I know you must be wondering how I got here, well let's rewind a little.


I had woken up with so much fear, I had a bad dream a terrible one in fact, but shockingly; I couldn't vividly remember details of the dream. I did not comprehend the feeling I felt, but I sensed something terrible was coming for me. Maybe it was because of the non-apperance of my captor for two solid days now, but I should be glad and relieved that he didn't come to see me, instead I was scared and I didn't understand why I was scared. My mind was still filled with different unanswered questions when there was a knock on my door and Nurse Joy sauntered in with a smile.

Good morning’, she said beaming with so much smiles.

Every time I saw this Nurse, I felt at peace. I admired her because she personified her name, she was always so joyful that I wondered if she even passes through any problem.

‘You know, you can ask me about the question that has kept you wondering’, she said smiling.
‘How come you are always so happy?’  I blurted out without thinking.
‘Wow, that is a big question but unfortunately I can't give you the answer in here’.
‘Why?’ I asked.
‘It is just that this discussion of ours would need a place that is peaceful and relaxing’, she answered.

When she finished talking, I moved to stand but she stopped me.

‘Let me get you a wheelchair, I wouldn't want to stress you’   she said and went out to get me a wheelchair.

I wanted to stop her since I have always walked with my legs whenever my captor came to visit, but I didn't.
She came with the wheelchair alongside a male nurse, and they helped to place me on the wheelchair. Then she began to wheel me out of my room.

‘You know not everyone is privileged to see me but the love of the Shepherd and prayers of your friends and family made this possible’, she said.

Truly, I didn't understand a word she said, but the words felt so soothing.

Dare, you would not understand now but soon your eyes will be open', she said smiling while wheeling me.

We talked and laughed till we got to a very beautiful garden.

‘Wow’, I gasped.

I had never knew that nature could be this beautiful and surreal at the same time.

Welcome to the Secret Place', she said smiling.
‘Secret Place?’  I asked admiring the place.
‘Yes Dare, this is the Secret Place where you must dwell in always', she said.

I still did not understand what she said, but I felt peace went through my bones as she spoke.

Now to the question that you earlier asked on why I am always so happy or rather joyful’, she paused and gave me a slight smile.
Before I answer your question, first, I would tell you a story. This is about a man who lost something so dear to him that he did everything to get it back and at the end he got what he lost. There was also a Shepherd who had hundred sheep which he kept and loved them dearly, but one day, one of his sheep wandered away and got lost in the deep forest. This little sheep was mistakenly caught in a trap and bleeding profusely, it cried and cried but there was no one around to hear it voice let alone saving it. O poor sheep! It was so scared and terrified that it might die before daybreak. Then,  the Shepherd who was wise and quick at noticing that things were wrong realised that one of his sheep was missing and so dear, I knew how unhappy he was to have lost something he loved. But Dare, a quick question what would you do if you were the Shepherd?’  she asked.
‘Well, I can't say if my answer is right but I think I would continue the journey with the other ninety nine. I can't leave that number just because of one sheep that would have probably died before it would be found’, I answered and she chuckled.
‘I wouldn't blame you for your answer.That is why you are not the Shepherd’, she said beaming with smiles. 
‘Dare, what if I told you that the Shepherd did differently? He left the ninety nine and went in search for that one lost sheep’, she explained.

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