Chapter 4

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Book 1: Prodigy
Chapter 4–Against the Fire Lord

Shisui was panting still, but he was quickly gaining his breath. He was looking down at the slumped form of the Fire Princess and his thoughts went back to that Genjutsu he had put her through.

Azula found herself in a blank, empty space. She was floating between it, still as can be. She had already tried desperately to move but gave when her body didn't budge despite commands.

"You're still fighting, huh?"

Her gaze snapped up and the first thing she saw were those dreadful eyes. And despite that, she couldn't take her eyes off them.

"You really are strong."

"Tch! What are you going on about?! I told you to stop talking as if you'd won?!" She snapped. She hated that look on his face. That look of sympathy, as if someone of her stature actually needed it.

How annoying!

"I'm talking like this, because I've already won, Azula. You-"

"Don't you dare address me as if we're familiar with each other! You don't know me, peasant!"

His features softened. "But I do know you, Azula. I know everything."

What the hell was he talking about? Why was he looking like that? What was the meaning of all of this? "Shut the hell up! Tell me where we are! What did you do?!"

"Your father is the one who made you this way. He doesn't love you. He has no love. All he is doing is using you for his own ambition."

Azula wanted to burn his throat for ignoring her questions. Despite the fact that she just couldn't move, her fist clenched tightly at her side and her arms were shaking now, the paralysis barely keeping her still.

Shisui couldn't help but show his surprise. How strong was this girl? "You can move? Wow, this Genjutsu might not be at full strength but I thought it was going to be enough to subdue you with a psyche like that."

"Stop it! Just stop speaking your nonsense! I will get out of whatever this is, and when I do I will not only burn you alive, slowly, inch by inch, but I will hunt down your family and burn up every thing. Not a stick will be left unharmed."

Despite those words, Shisui didn't react angrily as he had before. It wasn't because he'd already won; truthfully he won by sheer luck. If his Sharingan hadn't activated he would've been charged remains on the floor. He didn't get angry because he knew why she was the way she was. It wasn't because she was cruel or that she enjoyed what she was doing, that was the act. The feeling of things like love made her desensitized to what her actions did to other people and while she knew they were good, if it were to get her father to love her, she would do it.

That's sick.

"That's enough out of you." His features scrunched together in concentration and an invisible force forced her mouth shut. "It's my turn to talk. You've had your fair share already."

She tried to protest against him, but only muffled screams sounded instead of her perfect voice. Her eyes widened in the horror of it. What the hell? How was he doing this.

"When we're here, I'm in control of everything and there's no escape." Shisui told her. "I've been kind enough. You've been threatening my family, don't think I'm against hurting you for uttering those words."

The way she was glaring told Shisui that while she unterstood her new situation, she didn't in the least look like she felt remorse for what she said.

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