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Jungkook was in the guest room delivered by Kims.

Jeons and Kims had respectively received guest rooms for each one of them.

The time proceeded as the clock hit evening, they were all set for the union party.

Inns were arranged before for other pack members whereas Jeons stayed at the pack house.

The omega was dressed in fancy attire. He was sitting in front of the dressing mirror engrossed in his introspections.

His wolf had been distressed, restless in his mind, the sentiments reflecting on him as he too sat restlessly with a distant mind.

This sentiment's grounds have been his found mate, his alpha.

The young alpha didn't say a word before he took his leave in the morning, unlike other trio mates who had reasonable reactions.

The alpha hadn't shown any notable responses, no knowledgeable gazes, and his wolf had felt distant in bond causing additional distress.

The emotion he never felt started to creep up his sanity the emotion of insecurity, his wolf had an anguish that is poking his senses, and he is upset along with his wolf.

The reassurances to calm himself and his wolf haven't been working at all.

"Does alpha leave us kookie?" Kook Jungkook's wolf asked in his vulnerable voice.

"Kook calm down, you are making me restless. He was in a hurry. You know we are here for the conference and it is hosted by our alpha's pack. He is busy kook. If he didn't want us we would have felt it didn't we?" Jungkook asked his wolf reasoning.

His wolf's ears perked up hearing this.

"Yes kookie we didn't feel anything in our bond I think he is really busy" his wolf exclaimed smiling, yes a wolf's grin a creepy one.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at his Wolf's attitude.

"But still he would at least have met us after coming back from the conference" the wolf sulked again.

This time Jungkook didn't try to convince because he himself was sulking about it.

However, he remembered his hyung's words and sighed, it was three noon when the olders returned after heeding the meeting.

He too noticed his alpha and hyungs hadn't arrived back, he was informed that they stayed to check up on everything in the evening union gathering, and heard they just come back an hour ago to set for the party.

Regardless, he was still edgy that his mate didn't meet him. Jungkook sighed for the nth time.

"Kook they just came and need to be at the party again so it's normal to be busy at this time now come on let's get ready we need to leave". He tried to cheer up the sulking wolf and convince himself too.

He was done applying the red lip tint on his cherry lips leaving his natural look. He was about to tatter his earrings when the door burst open revealing an over-excited Jimin and Seokjin.

"Jungkookie, are you ready? Jimin asked, walking towards the younger one.

It took them an hour to befriend each other and another two to get all buddy-buddy, the omegas had found similarities in each other.

Jimin stared at the gorgeous male, eyes wide mouth ajar.

The younger looked hot in his black attire, whereas he looked like a pretty angel in the white dress unlike in this black one.

The Wounded Heart ¶¶ TK ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum