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:24 Years later:

Third-person POV:

The consecutive footsteps of pacing sounds heard from one to another place resonated in the leaving area. The lady of the Kim pack house had a worried look as she stressed, eyes panicking, her steps didn't halt.

Kim Taehie had an anxious aura as she paced around the leaving room, murmuring incoherent words constantly, eyes finding the main door.

"Where is he? "

"Why isn't he here yet? " she questioned no one.

"Mom, stop pacing, take deep breaths, you will hypervilate if you keep stressing, listen to me" The sweet gentle voice behind her had her steps halt for a few seconds before she started to continue the steps.

The male walking behind her lets out a loud sigh.

Kim Jimin had been pacing behind the lady trying to calm her for hours now.

The elder son was done pacing behind his mother now, he gently grabbed the wrist of his mother and made her sit on the couch in the living room, handing her a glass of water kept on the coffee table in front of the couch, and himself sat beside his mother.

Luna Taehie gulped the whole glass of water.

Seeing his mother a little bit calm the elder son spoke again:

"Mother, calm down, he went to meet other hyungs, he will be back once he settles down what he is called for" The elder son said what seemed to be the nth time trying to make his mother understand.

"But, he didn't inform me before leaving,'' the mother of the young omega replied, who bobbed his head in tiredness, his mother can be very overprotective.

None can blame her, she is a mother.

"Mom, he left the day before midnight due to some emergency because Hyungs called him at night. He didn't want to disturb you or Dad the reason he informed me do not distress much ma, hyungs are with him and he can adequately take care of himself, and the wolves around him" the omega expresses well aware.

His brother is strong enough to take care of himself.

"But still-" before she continued her worry they heard a ring from the omega's phone.

Fistng out the phone from his pocket, the younger looked at the caller ID sighing in relief he showed his phone to his mother.

"See mom he called" saying the young omega attended the call.

"Hello Jimin I am fine, tell mom to not worry and make a commotion, I am fine" a baritone voice from another side spoke.

The Omega understood that his brother got to know that she was worried about him after noticing the number of missed calls and messages from both his mother and him and the numerous attempts of mind linking him.

Ignoring the complaint, the Omega spoke.

"Yeah! brat I am older than you, you're supposed to address me as hyung-"

Younger couldn't complete his device and was snatched away from him.

Jimin grumbles under his breath pouting at his mom who brutally cut him off by taking the gadget away.

"Kim Taehyung, where are you from last night? couldn't you inform me while leaving, at least you could have responded to my calls or messages? It's been thirty-six hours" The tone she spoke was enough for the male to know his mother was angry and worried sick for him.

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