"She's not for us, Renee. She's the offering, remember?"

"I remember." The woman grabbed the girl by the wrist, picked up the dagger, and with a quick, fluid movement sliced the girl's left palm open. The girl let out a muffled scream of pain and tried to jerk free of the man's grip. Chad grabbed the girl around the waist and held her hands out in front of them. Renee replaced the dagger on the table and picked up the chalice. She held it under the girl's outstretched and bleeding hand.

"You're right, though. This one would be lots of fun." He kissed the girl's neck as she struggled unsuccessfully against his hold.

Renee put the goblet back on the table, took a piece of cloth, and bound the bleeding wound. "If I had known you were bringing me this gem, I would've had you do it earlier, so we could've had our fun before the ritual. Maybe he'll let us play with her for a while before he completely destroys her."

Chad dragged the struggling girl over to a mat in the corner. He threw her down on it and chained her ankle to a shackle attached to the wall. "You know they don't like to share." He walked back to the table where Renee was waiting, dagger in hand.

She took his left hand in hers and kissed his palm. "A girl can hope, can't she?" She placed the blade on his palm and, with a practiced hand, sliced deeply along the existing scar. He held his hand over the chalice, watching as the blood streamed into the cup. Renee placed the dagger back on the table and bound the wound lovingly as soon as he nodded his consent to do so.

Chad picked up the dagger, took her left hand, and quickly sliced open her scar. The woman squeezed the blood from her hand into the goblet until it was nearly full. Chad wrapped the cloth around her hand, then tied it. He pulled her to him and kissed her fiercely. He grabbed her hair and snatched her head back sharply, then kissed down the length of her neck before biting her shoulder, hard but playful. He heard her sharp intake of breath through her clenched teeth and laughed. "We'll have to finish this later. It's time to get on with the ritual."

Renee smiled in anticipation as he released her. She picked up the chalice and handed it to him, saying, "Blood of the unwilling, mixed with the blood of the willing; the final component."

He carried the chalice to the hexagram and placed it below the proper rune. He took his place in front of the ancient tome and held his hand out for Renee to join him. He closed his eyes to settle his racing thoughts, took a deep breath, and began the incantation, Renee falling in behind him.

The girl knew she was in trouble. She braced her feet against the wall, took the chain in her blood-caked hands, and pulled with all her strength. She tried to jerk it out of the wall repeatedly, but it wouldn't budge. The force she was using aggravated the wound in her palm. Angry and scared, she screamed in frustration as the tears spilled from her eyes.

The chanting of her captors brought back her focus. She looked around her and saw the table. The knife is on the table. Please, please, just let me reach it. She crawled the length of the chain and reached out for the table, but she could only touch the leg with the end of her fingertips.

She rolled over on her side and realized the chanting had stopped. She looked up to see the woman standing over her, smiling menacingly. The woman reared back her leg and kicked the girl in the stomach. The girl groaned and coughed through the gag, balling up as much as she could with her leg chained to the wall. The woman grabbed the girl by the hair and dragged her back to the mat.

A cold wind swirled around the room, making the flames from the candles dance madly. A crackling sound caught the girl's attention, and she watched as ice began to creep across the window above where she was laying. "It's time, Renee. Bring her." The woman unlocked the shackle and pulled the girl roughly from the floor.

The girl saw her chance; she threw her full weight into the woman, knocking her into the table. The woman grabbed the edge to try and stop her fall, but her weight pulled the table over with her. The girl ran for the door, only to be grabbed by the man. She knew she only had this one chance. She kicked backward wildly, catching the man in the knee. He screamed and dropped her as he fell to one knee, and she pushed him in a desperate attempt to escape. He fell into the hexagram, knocking over a candle and the chalice, spilling wax and blood all over the floor.

The woman pulled herself up from the floor and picked up the dagger. "You stupid fucking bitch!" Renee grabbed the girl by the hair as she stumbled from pushing Chad, spun her around, and drove the dagger into the teen's chest.

"No!" Chad sat up on the edge of the hexagram, a wild look of fear in his eyes. "What have you done?"

"Oh, God!" She looked down at the dying girl on the floor, and the bloody dagger in her hand. She let the blade fall to the ground and choked out, "Run!"

The door slammed shut, and they knew it was too late. Wild maniacal laughter rattled the windows and vibrated through their chests. A violent shudder racked through Chad's body as he floated into the air. He screamed through gnashed teeth, his body seizing ferociously.

Renee screamed, "No, stop! Stop, please!" He fell silent and his body went limp, then dropped to the floor with a sickening thud. She ran to him and knelt down beside his unconscious form. "Chad! Chad, wake up," she begged, hysterically.

Chad's eyes popped open, empty and completely black. Renee gasped and fell backward, scrambling to put some distance between her and the demon-possessed man. He laughed maliciously at the terrified woman as he rose to his feet. "You humans have always been ruled by your emotions. Anger, ambition, greed, and desperation make you act irrationally. Tell me, whore, did you really believe that two weak mud-monkeys could hold me within that barrier? I watched the birth of this world and mourned the day my father breathed life into you ungrateful parasites."

The woman clambered to her feet and backed against the wall. "Let him go, please! Punish me for killing the girl. Y-you don't have to kill us. You're free, you can go anywhere. We could help you, serve you."

"Foolish human!" He drew closer to the terrified woman, closing off any chance of escape. "I do not need help from the likes of you." He pressed his palms against the wall on each side of the shivering woman and leaned in, whispering in her ear, "Oh, I will punish you, and you will beg for death, long before I grant it to you." He pulled back to look at her frightened face. "Worry not, I will let you watch this man you love so much suffer and die before I end you."

She pushed him away and dashed for the door. With a flick of his wrist, he seized the woman and threw her into the wall. The air rushed from her lungs, and she fell heavily onto the mat, coughing and gasping for air. He was on top of herbefore she could get her breath back, grabbing her by her wrists. He laughed and boasted, "I am really going to enjoy this. It has been centuries since I have had flesh and bones to work with. It is much more entertaining to cause pain to a physical body and so many ways to torture it." He pulled her arms above her head. "You like pain, do you not? It turns you on when he hurts you. I wonder just how much can you take? Let us find out, shall we?" He grinned wickedly at the helpless woman.


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