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"Dave, can you hurry up!!"

Boun is very restless, even though he was alone in Wall Street back then, he didn't have such a strong sense of frustration now. It seems that he hasn't lost his cherished things for a long time.

Prem lay in his arms, like a porcelain doll that shattered at the touch of a touch, afraid to exert force and reluctant to let go.

His breathing is very shallow. If he doesn't feel the faint heartbeat close to his chest, Boun doesn't know what he should do.

Stopping at the gate of the best hospital in the city, Boun quickly carried Prem into the emergency room with his long legs, "Doctor, hurry up, save him!!"

"What happened to the patient!"

Immediately dispatched a stretcher, a ventilator, and lifted Prem up.

"He, may have taken an overdose of sleeping pills, but his symptoms are terrible. Doctor, please save him, please."

"Don't worry, we'll do our best."

With the emergency room lights on, Boun slipped to the ground, caught in a long wait.


One, two .....

The crisp sound of water droplets falling to the ground merged with this quiet hospital.

Dave stood at the corner and dared not approach.

Boun, crying for Prem, Boun really loves Prem.

"Prem, please, please, don't leave me!"

Even passing nurses could see a handsome man sitting on the ground talking to himself at the door of the emergency operating room, mixed with tears that fell directly from his eyes, which was very heartbreaking.

Did he lose his lover? He should love his lover very much.

In the operating room separated by a wall, the attending doctor's forehead exuded a tiny sweat.

"Wipe sweat!"

"Doctor, why is the concentration of sleeping pills in his body so high?"

"The purified sleeping pills are too powerful. He is poisoned deeply now. Although he still reacts to light, it should be just stress."

The intern on the side looked at the man on the operating table, and his face didn't look like he had been depressed for a long time. How could he swallow such a high concentration of sleeping pills?

Dave was guarding Boun from a distance, praying silently in his heart, wishing Prem all the best and peace.

Boun didn't know what he was thinking, from the moment Prem was pushed into the operating room he felt like he was going to lose him at any moment.

Very helpless and painful.

"Prem, didn't you say, you fall in love with me? If I told you that I love you too, wouldn't you be very happy..."

"You know what? Sin City is no more. You don't have to worry about being taken to that kind of place anymore."

"Stupid, why are you swallowing sleeping pills, why don't you wait for me for a while, just a while..."

"If you don't come out to me alive, I'm going to like someone else, whether it's a man or a woman, it's not you, are you super angry, if you're angry, don't leave me and look at me all your life okay."

"Gastric lavage first, In the process, once his blood pressure has a tendency to drop rapidly, we will suspend his blood pressure."

It was the first time he had encountered such a patient in his 30 years of medical practice. According to the stable concentration in his body, he was determined to die.

"Doctor! He has reached the shock blood pressure warning line!"

"Inject dopamine and norepinephrine."

The intern was really shocked. Today, he followed him into the operating room for the first time. This dangerous situation happened. One second before he pushed the medicine into Prem, he saw that the cardiac arrest on the ECG monitor was 0, but three seconds later, it began to rise. The blood pressure also began to rise slowly.

"Transient cardiac arrest caused by hypotension."

The operation lasted eight hours, and it was already daylight when the surgery door opened.

Boun stood up quickly, but the darkness in front of him almost passed out.

After about a minute or so, Boun gradually regained consciousness.

"Doctor? How is my friend! Is he all right?"

The veteran emergency room doctor looked at him with a black face.

"Sir, look at yourself, I'm afraid your face is even worse than your friend who is lying on the operating table. I said, You haven't slept for days? "

Two days? Three days? Or four days?

Seems like he hasn't slept since Prem disappeared.

"I will pay attention to rest, but I......"

"All right all right, your friend is out of danger. However, I must tell you that the concentration of diazepam taken in his body is too high, which may have stimulated the brain nerves. "

"Doctor, what do you mean?"

"Now his heartbeat, pulse, and blood pressure are returning to normal, but the effect of the drug is too strong, whether he can wake up soon is still unknown."

"Will that drug hurt Prem's brain?"

"Maybe, but I found that those drugs were not solid residues but liquid in his stomach, which slowed down the speed of poisoning. I think your friend will wake up, but it's just a matter of time."

"Then..." Boun really wanted to know what was going on with Prem, but he really didn't know what to ask. Prem had already passed the first step.

"Well, you don't have to worry. The most dangerous time has passed. The next 72 hours are crucial. As long as he wakes up within 72 hours, there will be no problem. But he does have the possibility of damaging the brain nerves. I want you to be mentally prepared."

"Okay, okay, thank you, thank you doctor."

Boun smiled, he never felt that the profession of a doctor seemed to be able to control life and death.

Prem should have been an excellent doctor, and he should have a scalpel in both hands to save the wounded, instead of lying on the operating table so weakly waiting for someone to save him.

"Boun, go back and rest, you haven't slept for three or four days."

"Dave, he's not dead, he heard what I said, didn't he."

"Boun......you are tired, it's time to rest."

"I don't want it! I'm afraid that as soon as I close my eyes, he will leave me. I'm afraid that as soon as I fall asleep, Prem won't be in my world. Dave, what should I do! What should I do!"

Boun refuses Dave's approach and concern, he is now like a hedgehog without thorns, too sensitive.

"Boun, I know, I know you love him, he's by your side right now. He won't disappear, he's there, but it's you, if you don't sleep or rest, how will you have the energy to last him until he wakes up?"

Dave wants to scold him to wake him up, is he trying to exchange his life for another life?

"No, no, I don't want, I want to accompany him, always with him."

Boun stood up, shook his head sluggishly like a robot, and walked slowly to the intensive care unit, staying beside his beloved.

To Be Continued....

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