I've been a sweet princess, the perfect role model back when I was a kid and until now. I took care of my people greatly so their respect is so high when ut comes to me. It all just started to go down when i married Alexander and at the same time my kingdom is envaded by his army. New people arrieved and new slaves. I'm not a fan of it but whatever. No matter what happened i still am greatful. I've got to meet the man of my dreams.

"Ohh," it was all Margaux could say as she sighed. I kept silent and let her process whatever is running in her mind while i continued to braid her hair. After a few more braids, I pulled it up and finished it with one of my favourite tiara.

"Roxana!" I heard his voice roaring on the hallway making me groan.

Oh no, i forgot I'm doomed.

Margaux on the other hand flinched and made a dumb and awful pose after putting up her mask.

"Margaux whatever you're doing please stop, you look like you fighting constipation." I rolled my eyes and stood up.

I waited for the man to enter the room and truthfully and expectedly i saw him livid.

I chuckled and stepped towards him. I kissed his cheek, hugged him tightly until he calms down before i walk away slowly.

"I heard you called Abel instead of me. Abel. ABEL. What does that dwarf have that I don't? Why can't you just call me when you need me? I'm just here doing absolutely everything for My Queen and My Bestfriend but oh no, I'm deciding to send this 'warrior' dwarf to do the work because he's more capable." He ranted as he closed the door.

I laughed at his response while Margaux jaw dropped down the floor.

"Roxana who's this guy? And why is he acting like a baby?" She asked and pointed at the guy.

"Roxy who's this peasant girl doing here? This is a sacred place that is meant for royals. Not something a mere model should step on." He scoffed back while folding his arms.

"I'm a woman, Mr, a woman. And i am not a peasant, oh no Mr, i bet I've got more fortune than you." Margaux copied his position and shot a death glare at him.

Abram lookes up and down to her and sniggered. "I can see that." He said sarcastically.

Margaux gasped in annoyance and looked at me. I just smiled in amusement as i look at both of them interact.

"Margaux i want you to meet Abram, he's a childhood friend of mine and he is one of my best soldiers, he fights almost as good as Alexander and Hephaestion does but he doesn't want to join the war, he said in quote 'I want to stay by yourside, fight by yourside and be at call in time of trouble, anything for you,' end quote." I teased and pinched his cheeks.

Gosh, i never realized how i miss this guy until now.

"So you do remember my promise and yet you chose to ask help from a dwarf!" He angrily accused like a needy partner.

"Abel is more stealthy that you'll ever be plus you've done enough, you've been fighting for my kingdom since the day you finished your training. I want you to rest." I sighed and caressed his cheeks.

"Aherm" Margaux cut the moment and stomped her feet loud.

Abram shit her  death glare while laughed. "Yes yes sweetheart we'll get there. Abram i want you to meet Margaux, she's Hephaestion's other half and my newly found bff." I said while walking towards her. I pulled her by her hand and placed it in Abram's palms that i also pulled up.

"Nice to meet you." They both said in unison before pulling off from each others grip. Both making a puking sound after.


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