Karlnap «Fluff»

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Uhg I've been gone so long I FORGOT HOW TO SPELL FLUFF. Anyways hi I'm back and no you won't get a part two till I figure out if you guys really want to read my stories. So, untill I get requests I will cry and create fluff and maybe some happy ending angst if I'm feeling depressed. Anyways. Have this.


Ship: Karlnap

Story type: Fluff

Description: Sapnap is a little stressed out about all the work he has to do for streaming and his job that doesn't involve streaming. Karl notices and decides to help Sapnap calm down for a little while.


Nobody POV

Sapnap had been stressed. There was no other way to explain it. There was a million streams to get done and so much paper work for his job. He was getting caught up finally untill his job had him working early and late at night. This gave him less time to stream, do paper work, and hang out with Karl. Though Karl understood so it wasn't that big a deal but everything else was still just a mess.

When Sapnap got home one night, around 11pm, he was purely exhausted. He just wanted to lay in bed with Karl and never work again. Karl was basically already on that.

Since Sapnap had came home so late, and he knows Karl is still awake, he basically gave up on even trying to stream or to paper work. He jus wanted Karl.

"Babe, I'm home!" Sapnap yelled into the house.

To that Karl came down stairs, went to Sapnap, and hugged him tight, Sapnap wrapping his arms around Karl's waist, hugging back.

"Hi. Welcome home" Karl said as he looked back at Sapnap's face with a smile. "How was work?"

"Absolutely exhausting." Sapnap replied.

"So...are you gonna work on streams or paper work tonight?" Karl asked, almost knowing the answer.

"Absolutely not. I'm going to take a shower, and lay with you. I refuse to do such thing tonight" he smiled

To that, Karl was delighted. He was hoping Sapnap wouldn't want to do anything so they could hang out, even if they were just going to bed.

So Sapnap took a shower and Karl joined him. After their shower they got into some clothes and laid down on their bed. Karl being a touch starved person, even when he's getting the attention, was holding Sapnap close. Sapnap was to, though he wasnt as touch starved as Karl.

"Goodnight beautiful...I love you" Sapnap says lovingly to his partner.

Karl smiles, "goodnight Sap. I love you to"

Then they fall asleep, finding much comfort to be in each other's embrace.


VERY SHORT IK IM SORRY. Maybe I'll make one like this but it will be smut. Idk man I guess we shall see. Anyways- Yas have that.

Have a good day/night/evening/afternoon and remember to drink WATER, eat FOOD, and get some SLEEP. Vent when you need to and remember, it's better to be pissed off than pissed on. Ok bye love u all<33


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