Aisha didn't know what to do exactly, but she knew she's finding it hard to not groan loudly—not her fault, Jannah's attitude is rubbing off on her. She then managed to take in a deep breath and looked up, her cheeks still burning. "Abba, he and I aren't..." She looked for the right word to use. "We aren't like that"

Really Aisha? Her sub-consciousness asked. That's the best you could think of?

Her parents must've found what she said ridiculous too by the look on their faces.

She swallowed, then choose to explain again. "We are only working together. He's in a new doctor in our hospital, and he chose me to assist him in a surgery he's in charge of"

Mommy and Abba exchanged a look that showed they still aren't convinced.

"A new doctor in charge of a surgery?" Mommy asked, a brow raised slightly. From the stories she'd heard about the hospital, she knew how picky they could be. If the doctor truly is 'new', there's a high chance they wouldn't trust him with any surgery that soon.

"Well, yes" Aisha nodded. "The patient only agreed to get treated at HGH if he is in charge"

Abba's lips curled into a small frown. "And they agreed?" He gets his annual checkup there, so he is well aware that the ones at the helm can be, well, arrogant when they want to be. They do things their way, and they barely care to listen to whatever the patient wants when it comes to their administration.

Aisha's head bobbed, "The patient is a VIP so what he says, goes" She then shrugged slightly, hoping they will drop the conversation there. She didn't want to go down the lane of telling them who the VIP is, considering there's marriage talk already in between the two families.

Finally, Abba and Mommy seemed to have bought what she said even though Aisha had a feeling it was only for the meantime. Sooner or later, they will bring it up because knowing them, they have silently been praying for the day she will get married. They haven't brought it up, knowing what she went through in her past but that to say doesn't mean they weren't hoping for it.

Just like any other parents, they prayed for a good man that will come and take care of their daughter. They just didn't pressure her about it.

The sound of the front door opening interrupted the small conversation that the family of three had started. Judging from the noise that accompanied the action, they already know who it is that arrived.

Aisha and her mother shared a look, the latter didn't need her mother to speak for her to know she had completely lost her appetite knowing the drama that will follow. Hajiya Asiya extended her hand out and pushed her plate aside slightly, a silent gesture to show she's done. However, she made no move to get up from the table.

Aisha on one hand continued eating her food silently because she knew she will need every bit of strength she can get to deal with whatever is about to come. Abba on the other had a wide grin masking his features—of course, since he won't have any hidden insult thrown at him, he was in a good mood.

Besides, as far as his knowledge goes, his family no longer treats his wife and daughter differently. If only he knows.

Hajiya, Abba's aunt was the first who came into sight with a wide grin masking her features the minute her gaze fell on her son. She didn't even acknowledge the two women as he got up to greet her, the two women did the same although their moods were already sour. They didn't show it though, as they plastered smiles on their faces.

"Sannu da zuwa, Hajiya"

"Hajiya Barka da rana"

"Ina wuni, Hajiya"

Sincerely, Aishatu✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें