Chapter 6

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We see a group of boats floating just outside of the caves of Isla de Muerta. Norrington was using his spy glass to spot the Black Pearl which looked abandoned. He then spots Poseidon's Revenge he sees some lights but no movement. Norrington lowers the spyglass. He and Jack share a long boat
with the other soldiers.

I don't care for the situation. Any attempt to storm the cave could turn into an ambush.

Not if you're the one doing the ambushing. Henry, and I'll go in, we'll convince Barbossa to send his men out with their little boats --- You and your mates return to the Dauntless and blast the bejesus out of them with your little cannons, eh. What do you have to lose?

(removes Jack's arm from his shoulder) Nothing I'd lament being rid of.

Now, to be quite honest with you, there's still a slight risk to those aboard the Dauntless, which includes the future Mrs. Commodore, young miss Norrington.

He watches Norrington as he considers that.

Elizabeth struggles as she is hustled inside by Gillette and two marines.

Sorry, but it's for your own safety!

I don't care what the Commodore ordered! I have to tell him - the pirates -- they're cursed! They can't be killed!

(feigned concern) Don't worry miss, he's already informed of that. A little mermaid flopped up on deck and told him the whole story.

Snickering with the marines, he shuts the door. Elizabeth bangs on the door as it shuts.

This is Jack Sparrow's doing.

Gillette turns to see a struggling Isabelle.

Get your bloody hands off me!

Miss Isabelle, this is for your----

Suddenly he felt a kick in a man's most vulnerable spot, and he fell like a tree. She then proceeded to elbow the two men who had her restrained, and took off for the bow of the ship. Several soldiers gave chase to her but she was faster and what she did shocked them she jumped off the ship, and dived for the water. The soldiers just ran to see where she dived and she was gone. Norrington was going to be pissed when he finds out about this.

Jack, and Henry smiles as they row a small boat heading towards the cave.

Lit by torches and shafts of moonlight. The pirates move through the caves -- climbing over rocks and through water, toward the center. An air of grim anticipation. Barbossa leads the way, tossing an apple.

Will, hands bound behind his back, is shoved along.

No reason to fret. Just a prick of
the finger. A few drops of blood.

No mistakes this time. He's only
half Turner. We spill it all.

He said shoving Will forward.

Pintel finds a good amount of delight in this.

I guess there is reason to fret.

He and Ragetti began to laugh at this.

In the center of the cavern, Will is pushed close to the stone chest by Koehler and Twigg. Koehler pushes Will's head forward directly over the chest, the medallion hanging below his throat. Barbossa takes the stone knife from atop the chest of gold.

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