Chapter 3

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We see Poseidon's Revenge sailing out to open sea.

When I was a lad living in England,
my mother raised me by herself.

Will was seen on the main deck and he is sharpening his sword with a whetstone.

Jack was admiring the ship, and looking to see about 2 to 3 hundred men just working hard with smiles on their faces, and singing shanties.

He was quite impressed of his younger brother for putting together a formidable crew, and acquiring a ship with both speed and power.

After she died, I came out here...
looking for my father.

Is that so?

Jack moves down the ship as Will follows.

My father. Bill Turner?

Jack says nothing, and Will has lost his patience for guile. Jack was seen near the helm where Henry, and Isabelle was.

At the jail -- it was only after you
learned my name that you agreed to
help. Since that's what I wanted, I
didn't press the matter. I'm not a
simpleton, Jack. You knew my father.

Jack considers his reply -- settles on 'truth.'

I knew him.

We both knew him. We were Probably the few who knew him as William Turner. Everyone else just called him
'Bootstrap' or 'Bootstrap' Bill.


Jack is now at the wheel.

Good man, good pirate. I swear you
look just like him.

It's not true. He was a merchant sailor. A good, respectable man who obeyed the law.

He was a bloody pirate. A scallywag.

Will takes his sword out losing his patience, and he pointed it at Jack.

My father -- was not -- a pirate!

Jack doesn't even turn around.

Put it away, son. It's not worth
you getting beat again.

You didn't beat me. You ignored the
rules of engagement. In a fair fight,
I'd kill you.

Then that's not much incentive for me
to fight fair then, is it?

Henry pulled on a rope that was connected to the rear tri sail, and that rope was connected to Will's foot. Will was now dangling over them. Jack picks
up Will's sword and points it at him.

Now as long as you're just hanging
there, pay attention. The only rules
that really matter are these: What a man can do. And what a man can't do. For instance: you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man... or you can't. But pirate is in your blood, boy, so you'll have to square with that some day. Now me, for example, I can let my brother toss you overboard and let you drown... but I can't rescue your Bonny lass, and go to Tortuga without your help.

Henry then lets Will down easy, and Isabelle went to release his foot from the rope. Jack then Will's sword at him.

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