Chapter 4

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Inside the caves we the pirates, carrying their booty through a tunnel. A pirate roughly yanks Elizabeth along, pulls her by the rope that ties her hands.

The pirate lets go of the rope and moves off. Elizabeth stops at the sight of pirates adding their booty to a spectacular treasure: piles of coins, gold and silver ingots, jewelry, objects d' art, jade and ivory, brightly colored silks,
furniture, jewels and pearls, mirrors and swords ...

At the center, a hole in the ceiling lets in a column of sunlight, which illumines: an Aztec stone chest. As Elizabeth gazes at it Koehler gives Elizabeth a shove in the back.


Pintel and Ragetti were then seen hauling a large hope chest between them.

Ten years of hoarding swag--

-- and now we finally get to spend

They dump the chest to find that it was filed with lady clothes, and a few parasols. They were stunned to see this.

Pintel picks up a parasol, and Ragetti picks up a dress.

Once we're quit of the curse -- we'll be rich men, 'n you can buy an eye what actually fits -- and's made of glass.

Ragetti is genuinely moved. He reaches up to wipe a tear.

This one does splinter something
terrible ...

(genuinely sympathetic)
Stop rubbin' it!

They look over -- the Bo'sun stares at them darkly, then moves away. Pintel hits Ragetti with his parasol.

Cut to a tunnel. The tunnel is illumined by a lantern on a pole. Jack rows, back to Will. To one side, Will spots skeleton, face-down and half buried in the sand, its rib cage partially stove in, a sword stuck in its back. A crab clicks its claws in the light. They drift past.

What code is Gibbs to keep to, if the
worst should happen?

Pirates' code. Any man who falls
behind is left behind.

No heroes amongst thieves, eh?

You know, for having such a bleak outlook on pirates, you're well on your way to becoming one.
(He said intentionally goading)
Sprung a man from jail, aiding a supposed kidnapping of the Commodore's younger sister, supposedly aiding in a second attack on Port Royal, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga ...

He turns to see Will mesmerized by golden coins and other treasures at the bottom of the water glistening under the light.

...and you're completely obsessed
with treasure.

They pass through, approach the landing area where the pirates' boats are moored -- Will pulls the boat ashore; Jack hops out.

That's not true. I am not obsessed
with treasure.

Jack leads up a short rise, and looks through an opening. He then turns to Will.

Not all treasure is silver and gold,

Will then approached the opening where Jack was at, and beyond it there's Elizabeth, being shoved to the top of the central treasure pile by Twigg and Koehler, where Barbossa waits beside the stone chest at the top. Pirates surround the scene.

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