Chapter 1: Finders Keepers

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You trotted down the sidewalk in the bustling crowd. Anyone who was looking for their soulmate would fully expose their arm, which was what you were doing. That meant if someone had the same tattoo, they'd recognize you.

You had absolutely no idea that monsters existed, as this was an OuterTale timeline. 

Nobody had talked about monsters in ages, eventually it just became folklore.

So... It would be hard to imagine that your soulmate was a monster. Especially one not even from the same universe as you.


Nightmare looked around, entering random AUs. He too, knew Dream was doing the same thing as him.

Looking for their soulbeat.

Their soulmate would have a soulbeat, one they were so drawn to. That's how a monster would quickly find their soulmates-through the sound that their souls make.

Nightmare was grumbling under his breath, rolling his eyes and dropping himself into an OuterTale timeline. His soulmate, whoever it was, was not in space. Maybe on earth?

He teleported down, standing atop a large building in the human city.

No monsters, huh? Guess they weren't freed yet.

Nightmare knew this was the right AU, though. He could feel his soulmate in here. But this was a big, bustling city. It would take a long time to find you. Hopefully Dream wouldn't show up, it would piss Nightmare off if Dream took them.

A sigh left him, and he began to scan the area. For sure, they'd be exposing their arm. 

Nightmare scoffed, jumping to the next building. Not only did he have to look for his soulmate, but he would have to hide so he wouldn't cause a riot. If Nightmare caused a riot, Dream would come. And not only that, but his soulmate would run away too.

As much as Nightmare hated to admit it, he would have to kidnap them.

After all, if they'd never saw a monster before, they would probably scream and run-especially with his terrifying appearance. 

He hummed, jumping to a new building. And finally, his eyes caught on a golden tattoo. 

It was the tattoo on Dream's arm. So on their other arm must be his.

Nightmare teleported into an alleyway, silently watching them pass by slowly. 

It was a female human, shorter than him-but around the same height as Dream. She had gorgeous h/c hair that swayed when she walked. And sure enough, on her arm he could see the faint outline of a second tattoo through her white cardigan. It would be strange if someone walked around with two soulmate tattoos, no wonder she hid one. 

She was perfect.

Nightmare teleported to the nearest dark alleyway, silently waiting for his soulmate to pass.

And when nobody was looking, he pulled her into the alleyway, hiding her in the shadows. He quickly pushed her against the wall, trapping her effectively. She was about to scream until he wrapped a tentacle around her mouth. The poor girl was ready to cry, staring at him. Nightmare cringed, glancing around. He didn't want you to cry... He heard footsteps.

Looks like it was time to go.


You walked by a dark alleyway, people passing you-the occasional smiling at your tattoo. It made you giddy. Hopefully, you'd see them soon!

And soon was apparently very quickly, as something cold and slick tugged you quickly into the alleyway. Whatever the thing was pushed you against the wall. It hurt more than you'd admit. You tried screaming, but the same thing holding you captive wrapped over your mouth. You felt like crying, tears already starting to gather. 

Whatever grabbed you was tall, and had only one cyan eye. You couldn't see it well enough to make out any other details. You heard shuffling and footsteps. Was someone there? Could someone help you?!

No, apparently, because within seconds you fell into a... portal? You felt nauseous, eyes beginning to droop. All you knew was you were in someone's arms. And whoever it was, it was the same freak who had dragged you into that stupid alleyway.

You blacked out shortly after, only seeing it's head tilting towards your right arm.

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