Chapter 17: Bringing Down Daisy

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Jake's POV:

There I was--crouched down on the floor with a limp Hailey in my arms and the girl I used to have a crush on holding a gun at my head. Daisy laughed. "Did you really think I'd let you win, Jake?" She said. I held Hailey tighter. "What do you mean?" I spat at her, moving myself and Hailey back. "I'm no fool. I knew what you were going to do even before you did it. I could account for your every move. And work my plan to stop you." She smiled. "You're crazy." I spat at her. Daisy chuckled. "Maybe I am. But so what? Crazy people give the world more flavour. I'm just making life more interesting." 

She lifted the gun and pointed it at me. I didn't have to think, I gripped Hailey and dove out of the way, the bullet just narrowly missed Hailey's leg. I shook Hailey as Daisy cocked her gun in anger. "Hailey, please, wake up!" I pleaded. Daisy laughed.

"There's no point in trying to save yourself, Jake. You're going to die in here. Do me a favour and make it easy, will you? I'm not in a mood to complicate things." She fired the gun again. I pushed Hailey aside, letting the bullet brush my arm. I screamed in agony. Daisy chuckled, coming closer to me. She stomped on my back, pinning me to the ground. I could feel her press the gun against my head.

"You're wasting my time, Jake." Her voice sounds angry. I tried to look up and see Hailey, but she was gone. She cocked the gun and I closed my eyes, ready to die, when...

Daisy grunted. Her weight vanished off me and I heard something thump to the floor. I turned and saw Hailey standing over top of an unconscious Daisy, a frying pan in her hand. She dropped the pan and ran over to me. Hugging me tightly. "I'm so sorry, Jake!" She cried. I hugged her back. "It's all right. At least you're safe." I said, wincing at the pain my arm was causing. Hailey softly gasped and took my bleeding arm into her hands. "Jake... you're hurt!" She whined. I chuckled. "It's fine. Doesn't hurt too bad." Hailey sighed.

Suddenly, someone kicked us from the side, knocking both of us to the floor. Daisy was back on her feet and look enraged. "Thank you, Hailey. You've just made me even more excited to kill you!" She snarled, firing the gun again.

Hailey and I leaped out of the way, letting the bullet buried itself in the ground. Daisy groaned in annoyance. She tried to fire at us again, but her gun was out of ammo. I took the opportunity to kick the weapon out of her hands. Hailey grabbed my arm and we ran upstairs, locking ourselves in a bedroom.

Hailey was crying and she was frantically searching the room for any way to escape. "What do we do, Jake!?" She sobbed. I sighed and held her hand. "I don't know. But, I do know that we're not going to die tonight. All right?" Hailey choked and nodded. Intense pounding came from the door as Daisy screamed to let her in. Hailey buried her face in my neck as I looked around the room for anything to fight back with. 

I noticed a baseball bat laying on the ground near a closet, it was our only chance. I released myself from Hailey and picked the bat up, in perfect time as Daisy kicked the door open, ready to fire at Hailey. I swung the bat and hit her in the shoulder, she screamed in pain and dropped the gun again. Hailey scrambled to pick it up. "D-don't move!" She shouted at Daisy. 

Daisy sighed, bowing her head. Hailey and I breathed heavily as we looked at each other. Hailey smiled, thinking our nightmare was finally over.

Suddenly, Hailey yelled in pain as she fell to the floor, Daisy pointed a secondary gun at her knee. "Hailey!" I shouted running over to her. Daisy stood up, her gun pointing at both of us. "Did you really think I'd only bring one gun?" She laughed. "You two really are stupid, aren't you?" She cocked the gun. I gazed into Hailey's tear-stained face and pressed my forehead against hers, ready for Daisy to fire the gun.

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