Chapter 8: A Little Mistake

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Third-Person POV:

"Where's Jake at?" Drew groaned, bored at the idea of waiting any longer for his friend. Zoey was re-applying her makeup for the third time that day, and Henry and Liam weren't Drew's main choice for conversation. 

"He's probably with that freak club," Zoey said distantly, examining her face. "Ugh, Zoey, you look fine. Stop rubbing chemicals on your face!" Zoey laughed but paid no attention to Drew.

Just then, footsteps came barreling down towards them They all looked and saw Hailey running down the corridor, her face tear-stained. Soon after, Milly and Sean came running after her, also looking upset. A little while after that, Luke and Zander.

"What's up with Hailey? Why was she crying?" Lia asked as Zoey closed her locker. "Who cares? It's their problem, not ours." She shrugged and continued doing her makeup. Drew sighed. "I'm going to go find Jake." He said heavily. "Oh, all right." Liam nodded as Drew left the group.

Drew approached the music room and heard light sobbing from outside. He opened the door fully to see Jake on his knees, tears streaming down his face. "Jake!" Drew yelled, throwing himself towards the blonde-haired boy. "W-What happened?" He got down to Jake's level. Nothing came out of Jake's mouth except small unintelligible mumbles and a few sobs. Drew took Jake into an embrace and waited for the boy to calm down. After several minutes of quiet crying, Drew pulled away.

"What's going on? What did those freaks do?" Jake's gaze met Drew's. He sniffed before speaking. "T-They kicked me out," He said quietly. Normally, Drew would have felt happy that Jake was finally leaving the club, but seeing how distraught Jake was. He opted against celebrating. 

"Tch. You don't need them anyway. They obviously weren't good friends if they had no problem leaving to like this." Jake sniffed again. "No... it was my fault." 

Drew was about to respond when Henry surprised them from behind. "Jake!" He yelled running over to the crying boy. Followed by Liam, then Lia, and finally Zoey (who was more reluctant to come over.) "What happened?" Henry asked. Drew felt his blood boil. "It was those freaks. They kicked him out."

Liam looked upset. "Jeez. They're worse than us!" Drew hugged Jake again. "Why did they kick you out?" Lia asked. Jake mumbled something that none of them could hear. He tried again."I-It doesn't matter." 


"Hey, Luke. Remember me?" Luke's eyes widen at the sight of Drew. He takes a small step back in shock. "Luke? Who's there?" Zander called from behind. Zander's face switched from confusion to anger as he saw Drew standing there.

"You..." He snarled. The rest of the club, including Jake, gathered at the door to see the magenta-haired boy. "There you are, Jake! Nice to see you." Zander flashed a stare at Jake. His eyes glowing with rage. "Did you invite him here! Is that what you were doing on the phone!" Jake stuck his hands up defensively. "N-No! I wasn't! I --"

"Wow, Hailey. Nice place. Not as nice as my mansion, but for your standards, it's amazing." Drew smirked. Milly clenched her hands into fists. "Get out of here before I beat you down the street!" She lunged for Drew, narrowly being held back by Sean.

"Still a wild animal, I see." Drew chuckled. "What are you doing here?" Jake said harshly. "I just came to see you. It's been five years. I thought it'd be nice to have a little reunion." Zander gripped Luke's hand tightly. Drew noticed.

"Oh, you are and Moody-McGee still together?" Drew giggled at Zander. Luke furrowed his eyebrows. Jake pushed his way in front of Drew and pushed Drew outside with him--closing the door.

"I don't want to talk to you," Jake said sternly. "Then what are we doing now?" Said Drew, frustrated. Jake didn't say anything.

"I don't know why you're hanging out with them. Have you forgotten what they did to you back in high school? And who was there to comfort you? Oh, right. Me. What is with you and these guys? I get that you made music together, but they hurt you, Jake. I still care about you. I'm just trying to do what's best for you."

Jake turned around and grabbed the doorknob. "You're not my friend, Drew. Not anymore. And if you were really trying to do what's best for me--you would've left me alone." Jake snapped and went back inside, slamming the door in Drew's face. 

Drew stood there in silence, as the sharp wind slapped him. He turned around and began walking towards his car. Disappointed with the outcome.

"Damn, those freaks." He muttered. 

Jake couldn't bring himself away from the door. A part of him couldn't help but feel guilty over what he had said. Was Lia right? Had it not been Drew's fault? His mind raced with thoughts until a quiet voice brought him back to reality. 

"Jake?" Hailey said, coming towards the blonde-haired man. "Hey," Jake said softly. Hailey stopped just feet in front of him. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes wide. 

"I'm sorry," Jake said suddenly. "I didn't know he was going to come here." Jake rubbed his forehead while Hailey stayed silent.

Hailey surprised Jake by wrapping her arms around him. Pushing him back slightly. "It's OK." She whispered. Jake brought the teal-haired woman into an embrace, hesitantly placing his chin on her shoulder as the scent of her shampoo wafted through his nose.

"I know we just became friends again, but, I think you shouldn't shun Drew. Maybe it really wasn't his fault. Maybe Lia was right."

Jake was about the reply when the last sentence hit him. "Wait--how do you know about that?" Hailey giggled, making Jake's stomach soar. "Luke told us," She admitted, brushing her hair out of her face. 

The pair pulled away gazing into each other's eyes. Hailey opened her mouth to speak--but no words came out. Jake's hands laid firmly on her waist as Hailey's hands rested on Jake's shoulder. Soon enough, to two started inching their faces closer--their breath breezing across their skin. Their faces moved closer, and closer, when--

"Guys! You're missing the best part! Get in here!" Milly shouted from the living room. The sudden shriek made the adults realize the position they were in. Their faces glow red as they pull out of each other's embrace. Hailey's face became redder by the second. "Um, w-we should probably get in there. Right?" She laughed awkwardly. 

Jake chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yep! Yeah. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool." Jake wanted to punch himself as his cheeks burned with embarrassment. Hailey slid away from him--Jake following after her.

This was definitely a weird night--and it would get weirder.

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