Chapter 1: Eight Years Later

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Hailey's POV:

Eight years ago today, my friends and I lost the band competition. The loss was hard on us. All those weeks of practicing went to waste. It was especially hard on us because one of our past members, Jake had betrayed us earlier that week. Even to this day, that memory still haunts me. I accepted Jake into our family and saw him as one of us. And as it turned out, he couldn't have been any less ungrateful for that. Shaming our club and saying awful things about us. We ended up kicking Jake out. I saw him wander around the hallways a few times after that day, but he failed to show up for the band competition. Despite what he'd done, deep down I was hoping he would. 

We haven't spoken since. Everyone else has forgotten about him by now. It's understandable. It has been nearly ten years. But for some reason. He just won't leave my mind. I've tried countless times to forget all about him and move on with my life. But I just can't. Apart of me feels bad almost. My brother, Zander has told me repeatedly that I shouldn't, and that he deserved everything he got. I know he's right. But the feeling doesn't just go away. 

Jake aside, though. We've all moved on in our lives. I recently quit my job. I was working for this pig-headed man who had no respect for me, nor anyone. It took a lot of courage but I handed in my two weeks and was ready to find a new occupation. I had an interview today at a Technician company. My passion wasn't computers, but I'd given up on singing years ago. I was pretty good with technology, so I figured I had enough requirements to get the job. Luckily, they thought so too and scheduled an interview. 

Driving there, a nervous feeling rose inside me. Like something wasn't right. I could feel the metaphorical butterflies soaring in my stomach. It made me feel nauseous. I tried my best to ignore the feeling. I'd been feeling this way since I had quit my previous job. I assumed that I was just anxious that I wouldn't be able to get another one.

"Well, Ms. Austin. We'll call you tomorrow. But I wouldn't worry too much. Your application is quite impressive. We'd love to have you on our team." Said the manager. My interview went great. Better than I anticipated. "Yes, sir. Thank you for your time, sir." I dashed out of the room. Mentally attacking myself. C'mon, Hailey! Sir twice? Really! 

As I was leaving something caught my eye. A man with short blonde hair walked past me. He looked so familiar. I didn't see his face. But he looked, it couldn't be. I'm just tired. 

"I knew you could do it, Hailey!" Luke said cheerfully. Luke was Zander's boyfriend in high school, and now finacé. "Thanks, Luke," I said quietly. I was happy with myself. But I kept thinking about that guy I saw earlier. I fought with myself over whether I should tell them. 

"I did see something kind of weird there," I admitted. Zander looked suspicious. "Weird? What do you mean?" He sat down next to Luke. The kitchen clock behind me ticked like a bomb. I was regretting my decision. "Well, it's not weird. That was a bad choice of words. I just saw someone who looked like someone I... used to know." They both looked at me like I was insane.

"Who did they look like?" Luke asked taking a sip of wine. I took a deep breath before answering. "They looked like... Jake." Zander and Luke's eyes widened. "Jake? You mean, high school Jake? The Jake that talked trash about us? The Jake that played with our trust like a cat with yarn?" I scoffed at Zander's reaction. He was always so dramatic. "Yes, that Jake!" Luke put his cup down. "Do you think it was him?" He asked. 

"I-I'm not sure. I only saw his hair, not his face." Zander sipped his drink. "It'd better not be him." He said angrily. 

"Well, maybe this is a good thing," I said. Zander looked at me like I was possessed. "Good thing?" I rolled my eyes. "C'mon, Zander. It's been almost ten years! You can still possibly be mad at him."

Zander clenched his hand into a fist. "As a matter of fact, I am." He growled. Luke placed a hand on his shoulder. "It might not be him. And if it is, it doesn't matter. Hailey's right, honey. It was eight years ago." Zander looked at Luke. "What? Are you saying that I should just forget everything he did?" Luke sighed. "Well, no. But - " Zander slapped his drink on the table and stood up.

"No, Luke! There is no way in hell I am forgetting what that jerk did to us! How can I? I was finally starting to trust him again, and he -" Zander grunted and walked away quickly. 

"Zander, wait!" Luke chased after him. I sipped my drink quietly. Zander was right. Jake was a jerk, and he didn't deserve forgiveness. Not yet. 

I just went to bed, hoping that it wasn't actually Jake and that I was going crazy.

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