Chapter 11: Wedding Bells and Secret Tells

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Hailey's POV:

"No way am I inviting him to my wedding!" Snarled Zander. Luke and Zander's wedding was coming up soon, and I was trying my best to convince Zander to let Jake come. More for me than him. The wedding would be a perfect time to talk to Jake about what happened that night, and I thought it'd be nice to invite him. If you think about it, if it wasn't for him, Luke and Zander might've never confessed. "Come on, Zander! It's not going to be that bad. We just need him to fill a seat, all right?" Zander's firm gaze softened--he was thinking about it.

Zander had no idea that Jake and I had kissed. I had to be careful that none of my friends found out. If Zander knew what Jake and I did, he'd probably kill him. (Or hide under his bed.) 

"Ugh, all right, fine. That oaf can come. But he better not bug me," I smiled and brought Zander into an embrace. "Thank you, Zander!" I heard Milly's smug voice from behind me. 

"Why do you want to come so badly? Is he your date or something~?" My face burned as Zander stared at me sternly. "What! No! Of course not!" Milly giggled and disappeared into the next room over.

I sighed and faced Zander again. "Everything will go perfectly, Zander. As your best woman, I won't let anything go wrong!" Zander smiled--a rare phenomenon. 

"Thanks, Hailey." He smiled at me." Milly groaned. "Stop with all the mushy stuff--it's sickening." Zander and Milly started bickering as I found my way to Luke. 

"Hey, Luke." I greeted. "Hi, Hailey." Luke smiled at me. "You're fine with Jake coming to the wedding, right?" Luke chuckled. "Yeah, that's fine," I took a deep breath of relief. "It'd be good for you," He said, catching me off guard. "Good for me?" Luke took a sip of his drink and smirked at me.

"I know you only want him there to talk about how you guys kissed." I almost dropped my phone in shock.

"You know about that!?" I yelled at him--causing everyone else to look at me. "Know about what?" Zander said cautiously. "U-Um! Nothing! Just a, er, wedding surprise!" I fake laughed. Zander seemed suspicious but ignored it. 

As soon as they weren't looking I pushed Luke into the other room. "How do you know about that?" I questioned him.

"Well," He cleared his throat. "That night, Zander and I went upstairs to. . ." 

"Make out?" I interrupted. Luke's face went red. "Maybe," He said. "Anyway--I was going to the bathroom and I saw you two kiss from the window." I bit my lip in embarrassment. 

"I thought it'd be better if I didn't tell Zander," He laughed. I sighed. "Thanks. Honestly, Luke, I was drunk--I don't know why I did that." I explained.

Luke nodded. "Look--I'll straighten things out with him at the wedding, all right?" Luke nodded again. "All right." We parted ways as Luke went over to Zander and I stayed in the kitchen. I opened my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I found Jake.

I dialled his number. It rang for a few minutes before he answered. 

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey, Jake," 

"Oh, hey, Hailey! I, um, didn't think you'd call."


"Is something wrong?"

"Huh? Oh, no! I was just wondering if you'd like to attend Luke and Zander's wedding."

"Really!? I can come? Zander hasn't banned me?"

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