A Journey Ahead of Us || chapter one-hundred and nineteen

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All of Hogwarts stood outside, students and staff. Draco pushed through the crowd, my hand held tight in his, and the throng of students parted for Harry and Hagrid to make way.

Hagrid stopped short, shattered by the sight just beyond. Harry, however, pushed on. Dumbledore's body laid feet ahead, limp. My breath caught slightly at the sight, watching as Harry kneeled by his side.

Last time I'd witnessed life leave someone's eyes, their body wasn't to remain. But this time the aftermath was for all to see.

Considering how hectic Dumbledore's last moments were, his face was surprisingly peaceful. Harry leaned over him and straightened his half-moon spectacles before wiping a faint trickle of blood that ran from his mouth.

Then, Harry gently ran the back of his hand over Dumbledore's weathered cheek. Absorbing all that had been lost. Not many paid much attention to this, but Harry took something from Dumbledore's chest. A locket.

Then, with the pendant stuffed in his trousers pockets, Harry began to cry. A great shudder of grief wracked his body, and all of Hogwarts was there to share it with him. Hermione nudged Ginny forward, so the ginger girl dropped beside him.

At the warmth of her touch, Harry's head fell on her shoulder and she began to gently stroke her fingers through his ruffled hair. Ron watched the two, but felt no hatred towards the pairing. Instead, he understood their connection as a best friend and a brother.

The second Draco heard the faintest sniffle leave my nose, he looked down and pressed my head against his chest. He brought a thumb to my face and wiped the silent tears that fell. The ones I'd tried so hard to keep back.

Somehow, the comfort he provided made me weep more. I brought both of my hands to my face and placed them on my cheeks, my salty tears falling only harder. Draco wrapped his arm tight around my waist and let me turn half-way so my tears fell into his shirt.

But despite the hand that he ran so comfortingly through my hair, Draco tilted his chin down and buried his nose on top of my head, breathing in the scent of my shampoo as a small, glistening tear fell from his own eyes.

Just like myself and Harry, he too had watched Dumbledore fall.

Amidst the soft sobs that rippled amongst the body of students, McGonagall lifted a trembling wand to the sky. Without saying a word, a bright orb glowed from the tip. Then, one after another, each and every student and staff member reached for their wands and did the same.

Draco grabbed his and I grabbed mine, more and more orbs filing through the crowds. We both lifted our wands in salute, driving the light into the emerald hued sky. The vortex of dark clouds swirled eerily on itself, and slowly but surely, the Dark Mark vanished from the sky, leaving Hogwarts in the shadows.


Nothing was the same after that.

Hogwarts no longer felt like... Hogwarts.

The castle sat silent, no longer hustling and bustling during every hour of the day. Black banners flew on the parapets everywhere. Even the outside world seemed to have gone quiet. The Hogwarts Bridge was desolate. No one eagerly rushed across anymore.

Usual end of the year Hogsmeade trips had came to an end, Quidditch games were at an over-all stop, and Hagrid's hut was burnt to its very last ash.

Through it all, The Great Hall was by far the most unsettling. Dumbledore's chair— empty. The House tables— empty. It was hard to believe we'd spent every morning, every meal, every night holding our stomachs while we laughed in that room.

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