skiving || chapter twenty-five

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It took no time for a day full of lessons to become incredibly exhausting. The moment I would wake, the first thing on my mind was about how excited I was to go to bed later on that night. And when I did, I'd wake the next morning and repeat the cycle.

So, when I slumped down into the black leather sofa later that night, a stomach full of warm dinner and a mountain of homework yet to be complete; I did nothing about it. I simply enjoyed the heat of the nearby flame and listened to those around me chatter relentlessly.

"Did you hear? Colin Creevey's little brother fell into the Black Lake and was pulled out by the giant squid." Pansy Parkinson said to Theodore Nott, who was resting on the back of her armchair.

"Wait— there's another Creevey in the school?" Blaise asked, looking up from his book. "Unfortunately," Malfoy said, eyes still glued to the pages of his own. Amidst their conversation, my eyes started to droop, as well as my head, and the next thing I knew I was leaning against his shoulder.

Malfoy glanced over but didn't protest. He returned to his book while he let me rest.

"Yeah, well at least this one doesn't run around with a camera." Millicent said, her legs kicked over Tracey's lap. "That's a plus," Blaise laughed. "Though it doesn't make up for the fact he's still a mudblood," Pansy added.

"He's just a kid, leave him be..." I murmured, my eyes still closed. Pansy and all of the others turned to look at me. I could even feel the muscles in Malfoy's shoulders flex as he turned his head.

"That was the most un-Y/N like thing I have ever heard," Pansy lifted a brow.

"She's just tired," Malfoy sighed, turning back to his book. Though he couldn't bring himself to read any further. He glanced at the pages, then at me, then back to his book— and at last, he closed it with a sigh and sat forward.

I picked my head up off his shoulder and opened my eyes. "Where you going?" I mumbled, rubbing a clenched fist over my eye.

"To bed," He said, getting up. "And you're coming."

No complaints there.


The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed. Once we had gotten to our room, out of the nosey ears of everyone below, Malfoy had offered to complete all of my homework while I had an early night. Easy to say, wonders had been worked.

We were now in Transfiguration. I glanced up at the clock on the wall and read; "11:55."

There were five minutes left until the end of the lesson, which meant Defence Against the Dark Arts was next. In other words, an exciting trip to Hogsmeade for me. Malfoy leaned over, his breath in my ear as he whispered— "We're still on for next lesson, right?"

"Definitely," I whispered back, a little smirk on my face. Malfoy had the same expression on his face, and for a moment, I thought I caught his gaze falling down to my lips.

"Good," he said, leaning back into his chair as though he owned the place. McGonagall set the class off on one last task before the lesson ended, however Malfoy kept looking at me from the side of his eye. He scribbled random words onto his parchment rather than taking actual notes.

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