pink buffoon || start of fifth year || chapter forty-nine

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"Bye, mum." Draco said, trying to grab his trunk. However, Narcissa wouldn't let him slip away that easily. She pulled him into what looked like an awkward hug from his point of view and kissed his head.

"Be good at school," Narcissa said, pulling away and reaching for her purse. "Make sure you behave. No fights this year—," she plucked a few golden, galleons from within and dropped them into Dracos hand. "And get something to eat while your on the train."

"Yes, mum. I will." Draco grumbled, glancing around with an embarrassed blush on his face. We were in middle of Kings Cross Station. I simply stared at him with a cocky smirk on my face.

"Take care," Narcissa then turned to me, and gave me a hug I was much more welcoming of. "Put him in check for me."

"Oh, trust me. I will." I grinned at Draco over her shoulder before she pulled away. He simply rolled his eyes and grabbed his trunk. "Come on, we're gonna be late."

"Bye!" I said to Narcissa one last time, who waved after the pair of us. Draco walked quickly, his head slightly down and his lip rolled between his teeth. I glanced over my shoulder to see Narcissa was out of sight before teasingly remarking—

"You know, I do love a mummy's boy."

Draco glared at me. "Shut up."

I grinned.

"It's not funny, stop." Draco frowned, walking faster and faster.

"I find it pretty funny."

"Hence why you have no friends."

"Hey, you're my friend!" I nudged him in the side. Draco looked over at me and scoffed. "Boyfriend," he corrected, "Which means I'm obligated to endure your obnoxious behaviour."

"Ah, such a romantic." I pretended to swoon, what made Draco glare at me from the corner of his eye. "I'm going to hex you in a minute," he warned. "Even more so," I teased. "For all you know, I could be into that."

Draco groaned.


The air was hot. Mums and dads helped their children roll their trolleys down the platform, while all those who were older, gathered in rings and gossiped with one another.

I glanced through window after window, hoping to catch sight of an unoccupied compartment, but right before I could—

"Hey!" I squealed.

I had accidentally bumped right into someone, what had caused me to back up straight into Draco's chest. "You look like you've just seen a ghost," Draco said, steadying me on my feet.

"Well, seeing as how pale you are, you're not far from it."

"Wooow," Draco drawled sarcastically. "That was low, even for you."

I couldn't help but laugh.

Draco swatted me forward, "Just get on the bloody train."

I rolled my eyes but climbed aboard anyways. I held a hand out behind me, that way Draco could keep ahold of it as we squeezed through the narrow corridors. Most compartments were already occupied, and it wasn't until we reached the near-end of the carriage that we found a free one.

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