050; the things im going to do to you

Comenzar desde el principio

"Our uber will be here in a couple minutes so we're going to leave now." Corbyn told the group as Randy looked up at the couple.

"You can't go." Randy frowned, "you're apart of the band. You need to stay. Rosemary can go."

"...I'm not feeling too good." Corbyn said with a shrug, "I'd rather go home and get some rest."

"It's only a couple of more hours. Sit back down." Randy said, "Rosemary will text you when she's made it back to her place all fine."

"I'm sure I won't miss too much if I leave now." Corbyn laughed, backing away from the group anyway as he quickly said his farewells to everyone.

Randy shook his head and rolled his eyes, "I didn't let you invite her for her to drag you away 2 hours early. You need to stay."

"We can just stay if you need to stay." Rosemary mumbled as she looked at Corbyn, watching him shake his head and he guided her away from the table, heading towards the exit of the venue, "do you actually feel unwell?"

"I feel fine." He laughed, "I just lied to leave early."

"Oh." She smiled and nodded, following him to their uber, "you still coming back to mine?"

"Of course." He nodded, holding the car door open for her as she got into the uber, having him follow behind her.

As they sat in the uber in silence for the first few minutes, they headed in the direction of the girl's apartment complex while Corbyn kept ahold of her bag and turned to look at her.

"I like the idea of you being my girlfriend." He spoke up as Rosemary turned her head to him, "I like that we can kiss in public and.. I just really like you, Rosy. I don't know what you've done to me."

"Are you complaining about that?"

"Would I ever?" He raised his eyebrows and smiled, leaning himself across the middle of the car and over to where she was sitting, "In a good way. You've done something to me but it feels good."

"We're such a sappy couple," Rosemary smiled, "all we do is be nice and soft to each other."

"Not true, you pick on me when the guys are around." Corbyn shook his head, "i'm like a target for insults when you're with them."

"Okay but alone I'm the nicest person ever to you."

"...You're the nicest person ever in general." He sighed contently, "you're perfect."

"You're perfect." Rosemary smiled at him, placing a kiss on the boy's lips before she leant back to her side of the car and intertwined her hand with his, letting them fall onto the middle seat of the uber.

The rest of the journey back to her complex with mostly filled with silence, keeping each other in close proximity and ensuring they were touching in some way before they got out of the uber and headed inside the complex.

"Why do you always take the stairs when the elevator is right there?" Corbyn asked her as she had already headed to the stairwell, turning to look at him, "don't your feet hurt in those heels?"

"My feet are killing." She frowned slightly, walking over to the elevator and pressing the button before she glanced to him, "did you forget I have a fear of these?"

"Yes." He quickly said, "you always strike me as the girl who is not scared of anything."

"Okay, well I'm scared of elevators." Rosemary said through a laugh as Corbyn guided her into it, pressing the button to her floor before he turned himself to her, "I'm internally freaking out right now."

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