chapter two

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Harry's pov

"Your mother has lost it." Niall said as we got into his car the next day after school. I explained to him the chat I had with my mum.

"I know. Take a left it's down town." I said as I got the application out of my bag.

"This is a really bad part of town man. Be careful." Niall said worriedly. We pulled up to the rusty building with hundreds of windows.

"Text me when your done. I'm going to go grab a bite." Niall said as I got out of the car.

"Thanks Ni." I said to him as he gave me a sly smile and nod. I took a deep breathe as I walked inside. There was a couch and a few chairs and a receptionist in her early 20's.

"Hello I'm-"

"Harry. Right this way." The lady said. I got chills from that. I followed her back through the door. Right on the other side of the door was what looks to be like a lot people my age maybe older. There was a pool table and a Ping pong table but many of the teens where preoccupied with themselves. The lady took a left from the door to small room with two chairs and a huge wooden desk.

"Mrs.Parker will be in momentarily. Please, have a seat." The lady said forming a smile with her ruby red lips.

"Thanks." I replied back to her giving her a sly nod as she shut the door. I sit in the chair on the right side and look around the small boxy room. Numerous motivation posters hung on the walls. Hang in there baby, don't give up , and no one is perfect. I smiled as a gripped the application in my hand.

"You must be Harry." A woman's voice called. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up at the thought of someone behind me.

"Yes." I said shyly as she closed the door.

"I am Mrs.Parker." The lady stated going around and sitting behind her desk. The lady looked like she was in her 30's. She had short, curly caramel colored hair. Her eyes where a light shade of brown. Her attire wasn't what I was expecting. Skin tight black leggings with a white blouse showing off way to much cleavage.

"Do you have your application?" She asks as she looks at my hand and reaches out with her long , hot pink nails to take the form. She glances upon the form squinting her eyes.

"Says here you are a sophomore in high school." She said with a surprised look on her face.

"That's correct." I replied with a nod and a small smile.

"Well Mr.Styles you're very young. But lets introduce you to some of our lovely people here. Come along." She said going through the door and walking down the left side of the hallway.

"What makes you think you can handle this job?" She asks as we walk past numerous doors along both sides of the walls.

"I'm a hard worker and I am great with people." I said partly lying.

"Interesting. Come now." She said coming up to a door with the number 305 on the front. Right next to the door was a white board with the name Mort on it. Mrs. Parker knocked and slowly opened the door. It was dark. Completely dark.

"Mort?" She called out.

"Yes?" A small voice said from straight ahead in the room.

"I want you to meet someone." Mrs.Parker said politely and softly. Slowly, one of the blinds to the windows started to open to reveal a boy. He looked around 14 or 15. Brown hair, blood shot hazel eyes. His clothes where wrinkled and his feet where bare. He looked at me in the eyes.

"Who is this?" He asked softly.

"This is Harry. He wants to work here." Mrs. Parker said with a smile.

"Why are you here?" He said looking at Mrs. Parker.

"You see Harry, Mort has depression." Mrs.Parker whispered to me.

"ANNOUNCE IT TO THE WORLD WHY DONT YA!" Mort said throwing something and tugging at his hair.

"Harry is here to help you." Mrs.Parker said in a calm voice. I gazed at the boy to see scars all upon his arms then I look around the room to see a painting on the wall.

"That's a lovely painting Mort." I said into mid air looking at him. He gave me a weird look but then a very, very small smile appeared upon his face.

"You don't think that! You are just trying to be nice." He states turning his back.

"I mean it Mort. I am not lying." I said stepping closer to the picture to observe it closer. The painting was of something imaginable. Like a different place.

"It is my happy place. I call it walking distance." Mort said quietly coming closer to me. The painting was filled with flowers, clouds, homes, and peace.

"That name is interesting. I love it." I said making him smile, which made me smile. Mort slowly made his way over to the window and opened it up and looked outside.

"I will check in on you later Mort." Mrs.Parker said as her and I walk out of his room closing the door.

"Mort has been in this place for 3 years now. I have never once seen him that happy." She said shocked. I smiled and looked at the ground.

"There is one more person I'd like you to meet." Mrs. Parker says as her heels clicked down the hallway. I slowly followed as I see the room number 283 with the name Zeke written on the white board.

"Zeke has a Panic Disorder. It causes a series of intense episodes of extreme anxiety during panic attacks. It may also include significant behavioral changes lasting at least a month and of ongoing worry about the implications or concern about having other attacks." Mrs Parker explains knocking twice softly on the door.

"W-who is it?" A stutter says from the other side of the door.

"It's Mrs.Parker, Zeke." She said as a little crack from the door opened.

"May I come in? I'd like to introduce you to someone." Mrs. Parker said slowly opening the door. The room resembled the same style as Mort's but all the nights where on. I walked in to see Zeke sitting on a chair behind a desk with a puzzle. He looked like he was 16 or 17. He had blue eyes and black hair.

"This is Harry." Mrs. Parker said to Zeke.

"No, no, no..." Zeke said getting up and pacing back and fourth.

"What's wrong?" I ask quickly.

"Change change c-change." He says sitting and balling up in the corner.

"Zeke I am here for you. Nothing is going to change. It's going to get better." I soothe him walking over to him.

"B-better..?" He said looking up with tears in his eyes and with a small smile.

"Better than before." I said with a big smile as he got up from the floor and went back to his puzzle grabbing a tissue. As Mrs.Parker led me to the door.

"You start Monday." Mrs.Parker said holding out her hand. I smiled and happily shook it. I made my way to the front entrance it see the receptionist typing away.

"How'd it go?" She asked looking up from her computer.

"See you Monday." I replied as we both smiled as I let myself out the front door to spot Niall sleeping in his car. I knock on the window and he jumped and hit his head on the steering wheel.

"What did you that fur?" He asked rubbing his head and unlocking the car.

"I start Monday." I said smiling as Niall gave me a smile back.

Good, bad and insaneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora