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She took a sharp breath in, she didn't have any sort of weapon on her. She had no protection what so ever, she looked around in fear and desperation to see someone, something or anything to help her. But all she could see was the dark shadowy trees, the moonlit sky and the demonic creature in front of her.

Showing off it's row upon row of sharp deadly teeth, she felt tears form in her eyes. She only had one choice which was to run, and as she did the Demo-Dog chased after her. Like a game of cat and mouse, Tiffany as the mouse and the demo-dog as the cat. She ran as fast as she could up the road and she could hear the Demo-Dogs claws hitting the hard road floor as it ran after her.

She saw headlights from a car and began waving her hands frantically, "Help!" She called as she continued on running. The people inside took one look at her and must of seen her as a crazy person and they drove straight past her, they didn't see the thing she was running from. She still didn't stop, she was getting tired and because of that her body almost forced her to slow up and before she knew it the Demo-Dog pounced and knocked her to the floor.

Tiffany tried to scream but the fear over took her and she couldn't get any voice out, the Demo-Dog slowly crawled towards her. She was laying on the floor and too scared to move, it slowly made its way so it's face was facing down at Tiffany's. It's let out a roar before it went for her face, she grabbed its jaws and pushed them away and scrambled away.

She was almost back on her feet when the Demo-Dog grabbed her leg and pulled her back towards it. She practically dug her nails into the ground to push herself away from the beast but it wasn't working. She felt the rows of daggers led teeth dig into her leg and let out a scream of pain in response. She kicked the Demo-Dog in the face and quickly looked down at her leg to see rows of puncture wounds, oozing out with blood.

She felt sick just looking at it.

She could also feel hot tears of fear falling down her face, everything almost turned to slow motion. She got up and tried to run but the pain of her leg was too much so as she ran she tripped and the Demo-Dog got hold of her again and this time dug it's claw into her stomach and it's teeth when back into the same wounds as it had before. On her leg.

As it dug it's teeth in harder a loud noise of a roar called through the air, Tiffany's sight was blurry and she couldn't really tell what was going on. All she could see was the Demo-dog prompting it's head up before it ran into the darkness. Running for something, Tiffany cried. She placed her hands over her stomach where the claw had left the gnarly cut with blood falling out at a fast rate. She pressed down at it to keep the blood from bleeding out. She painfully got herself up and  out of the road, she got to a nearby tree and leaned her head and spine against it and held her wound tight.

Still everything was blurry, she felt like she was going to go at any second. She did want to die, death was her fear. Her worst fear, she cried about it when she was little. She hated the thought of it, she hated thinking about the fact that she wouldn't be here forever and her mother would reassure her and say things like 'you have years upon years of time left' and it always would make her feel better.

But at that moment, she felt that wasn't true. Maybe she didn't have years left, she thought she should of cherished the small amount of her life time she got to live a little better.

"Tiff!" A scream came from the distance, Tiffany felt her heard fall to the side and her whole body shift to the floor. Again in an almost slow motion like faze, she felt her eyes close and the blurry-ness go. She could feel it coming, she could feel her heart slowing and her hand fell off her stomach leaving pools of blood to start forming by her wound.

"Tiff!?" The voice called again, Tiffany still lay on the floor. Her eyes sealed shut, "Tiff!" The voice repeated again but this time it was filled with more pain and sorrow. Billy slumped down next to Tiffany, he soon was cradling her body in his arms and crying. Was she really gone? He cried into her chest "Come on Tiff, don't leave me" He cried.

The sound of the ambulance and police sirens filled the air, but Billy didn't take his eyes away from hers. Her eyes wouldn't look back.

【Tiffany's POV】

I never really imagined in, I was so scared to death but in the moment of that feeling of everything stopping. I wasn't scared, the thing I had feared most was not scarring me when it actually was happening. It was peaceful, I finally felt at peace.


Rogue, Billy Hargrove ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now