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【The night before】

"Billy we can't keep us a secret for long" Tiffany suddenly blurred out, to he surprise Billy nodded in agreement. It was true, they couldn't keep this big secret from all their friends. Imagine if their friends found out the hard way, especially on Tiffany's side of friends. Although she was nervous, she knew it had to be done at some point and the next day was the day.

She was going to turn up to school, with Billy Hargrove.

And that was the final of it.


"Ready?" Billy asked as he turned his car into the school car park, "yeah" Tiffany lied. He swung his car into a car space, "Jesus your almost as bad of a driver as Nancy is when she's mad" Tiffany complained. "Wheeler gets mad?" Billy asked and Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Alright let's get this over with" Tiffany sighed as she opened the car door.

All eyes where on them, most in shock. Tiffany felt nervous, she immediately met the eyes of confused Nancy, shocked Jonathan and angry Steve. "Meet me here later, I'll take you home" Billy smiled at Tiffany who returned the smile. Billy pulled her hair lightly and Tiffany's scowled at him as he walked off, she then made her way over to her friends.

"Tiffany what the fuck?!" Steve yelled a little, "Steve" Nancy hissed. The two where still very awkward and Tiffany could tell. "Um congratulations?" Jonathan shrugged, he had no clue whatsoever to say. "Tiffany we need to talk" Nancy snapped, "why. You can't control who I can and can't date" Tiffany replied.

"So you are dating him" Steve groaned as he placed his head in his hands, "how could you be so stupid! He's a fucking dick and you know it?!" Steve begged her for answers but she just looked at him. "You don't know him" Tiffany replied simply. Nancy looked a little quiet, "you know what your right Tiff" she perked up and Steve looked at her horrified.

"If you like Billy then I'm happy for you. If it's really working out then truly I support you" She replied, Tiffany was shocked. "Thanks Nance" She smiled, "hang the fuck on!" Steve shook his head. "This cannot be happening right now. Why!" He looked like he was about to throw a tantrum.

"Steve!" Nancy awkwardly yelled, he looked at her. And then he looked at Tiffany, "please Steve" Tiffany begged. "You don't have to like him or talk to him" She offered. Steve looked down at the ground, "I guess so" he murmured. "Ok fine! Be with him but don't come running to me when he breaks your heart" Steve put his hands up in surrender. "Thanks Steve" Tiffany smiled before she hugged him. I'm which he hugged her back.

"Honestly Tiff, you have no clue what your getting yourself into" He laughed, Tiffany pulled away and sarcastically rolled her eyes.

: ̗̀➛

Tiffany laid on her bed, listening to her phone ring. She couldn't be bothered to answer it, she was in the middle of reading a magazine? Why did this person have to call now she was enjoying herself. When the phone stopped ringing she smiled to herself and carried on reading happily. 

Without hesitation the phone began to ring again, she slammed the magazine on her bed and answered the phone. "Hello?" She answered trying to put on a happy voice. "Tiff! We need you to come round Will's house now please hurry!" Mike's voice sounded frightened and upset through the phone. Tiffany perked up a bit, "why what's happened?" Tiffany asked.

She was now, to, worried and upset.

"It's Will, he had some sort of seizure in the school field. I have no time to explain just come quick and being Nance!" Mike quickly spoke before he hung up the phone. Tiffany quickly began dialling Nancy's number, as soon as it began to ring she muttered to herself "hurry up, hurry up".

Soon enough she answered, "Nancy no time to explain. I'm coming to pick you up somethings happened to Will" Tiffany hurried to speak before Nancy could say anything.

Tiffany put the phone down and ran out the house, she grabbed her car keys and got into the car. Before long she had Nancy in the car and was speeding down the Byler's houses drive way. She parked the car up and they quickly made their way inside.

"What's happened?" Nancy asked, Joyce took her away to explain. Tiffany made her way towards a crying Jonathan who looked at her sadly. Tiffany wrapped her arms around him, "it's alright" she murmured as he cried even more. The last time she had seen him cry was the year before.

Suddenly, Mike came around the corner. "Tiffany!" He spoke, startling Tiffany a bit. "Mike what happened!" Tiffany asked. Mike then explained everything, Will and gone outside looking for Dart when he starting shaking violently while standing up. So it couldn't of been a seizure could it? And that's where Mike, Lucas and Max had found him. Joyce came and picked him up.

What on earth had happened?

"Jonathan, I promise I will do anything and everything to help" Tiffany promised. A promise that she could keep.

Rogue, Billy Hargrove ✔︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora