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Tiffany hurried to put make up over her bruises, she needed to hide them from people at he school. Because of what had happened the night before, she had gotten home from school when she saw her father sitting on the dinner table. Drinking yet again.

She tried to get away without him seeing her but obviously that failed and he saw her. They had a argument where Tiffany had begun by telling him to leave her alone and he didn't like the fact she was saying that so he hit her. But not just once, he hit her again and again and again. When he finally stopped he left his daughter on the floor crying and left the house.

Which brings us back to Tiffany rushing to cover up her face, the only think was it didn't seem to be working as great as she thought it would which made Tiffany even more angry. It was only if you where really close up to her face that you could see the outlines of the bruises, so she left it there and hurried to get out the house.

Jonathan was there to pick her up and Nancy was already in the car, Tiffany ran out her house and clambered into the car. "Hi" she greeted, the other two greeted her back. "So i don't know if you've heard but there is a party tonight" Nancy spoke, "and?" Tiffany replied. "And your coming with me, you got invited" Nancy smiled as she gave her the invitation.

"What the fuck, who's party even is this? Why am I going? Do I have to?" Tiffany spoke really fast, "chill on the questions" Jonathan laughed. "Yes your are coming and you got the invitation because I guess your popular now" Nancy smiled excitedly. "Since when am I popular?" Tiffany asked.

Nancy shrugged. "Since we started hanging out with Steve, he's obviously mega popular and we got it from him" Nancy was extremely happy about the fact they where popular and the fact they where going to a party. "I'm not going" Tiffany shook her head, "hey do you want Jonathan to pull over so you can walk the rest of the way?" Nancy smirked as she turned around.

Tiffany sat silent, she shook her head slowly. "Not really" she muttered, "then you can either come to the party or walk" Nancy suggested. Tiffany took a moment to think, it was cold outside and it seemed Jonathan had taken the long route just so Nancy could ask that meaning that she should have quite a while of walking and she would be late.

"Fine! I'll come" Tiffany sighed as she slumped back on her seat, Nancy was very happy with her answer. "Anyways I thought the halloween party was like ages away" Tiffany asked, "oh tiff. This is a different party" Nancy announced. Tiffany held her face in her hands, why was she going to two parties now.

She hated them, although they where quite spaced out. She still didn't really want to go, but it was to go to a party or walk in the woods alone in the cold.

The rest of the journey Nancy talked about how fun the party was going to be and how Tiffany was now going to go shopping with her after school to find an outfit. Soon they arrived at the school and hurried into the hallways ready to start their day of hell-like lessons.

: ̗̀➛

Nancy and Tiffany walked out the shop and onto the streets, their day at school had been very dull and they had just finished shopping. Now Tiffany and Nancy just needed to get changed and they would be on their way to this party that Tiffany was still not to fond of. 

Tiffany and Nancy drove back to Nancy's house where they went upstairs and got changed before they hurried back downstairs and got back into Nancy's car before driving to the party. Nancy had the radio playing loudly as she was trying to find the house by looking at the numbers written on the buildings.

When she finally found it, she pulled up outside and they both got out and headed to the front door. "I can't believe you made me do this you bitch" Tiffany joked and Nancy laughed. "Well it's like our parents say to us, we all have to do things in life we don't wanna do" she spoke as someone opened the door.

"Nancy and Tiffany" she smiled, "welcome" she turned and let the two girls in. The music was quite loud around the house and their was cups laying around the house even though the party has barely just begun. Nancy grabbed some alcohol for the two girls and they started drinking, more Tiffany since she kind of wanted to drink the night away.

She just wanted to go home, she didn't want to be here. She didn't want to see anyone, she just wanted to be laying on her bed reading some magazine or watching the TV. Something a little less social then this, she thought of she just drunk maybe people wouldn't notice her as much.

Whereas Nancy was being a little chatterbox, chatting to everyone she could. But Tiffany kept refilling her cup and downing it, she knew she would regret it in the morning. But she drunk her sorrows away and now she felt lighter in a way, as she went to get one more Nancy stopped her. "I think you've had enough" Nancy slurred.

She was drunk as well, Tiffany shook her head. "Hell to the No, I have not" Tiffany stated. She placed her cup down and Nancy knocked it in the bin, "how dare you" Tiffany snapped. Nancy laughed, "oops" she giggled. "I'm gonna go find more cups" Tiffany slurred before she walked off into the dancing crowd.

She pushed past people and when she got through it she turned back to see what she had just pushed through when she felt herself collide with another. She looked up to see Billy, "sorry" she apologised to him. Why did she always seem to be walking into him? He shook it off and didn't say anything. "Well look who it is, The famous Tiff" Billy spoke but Tiffany didn't reply 

Instead, Tiffany looked a bit dizzy so when she went to walk away she tripped a bit but billy caught her, "you alright?" He asked and she nodded. "Thanks" she thanked as she held her head to try get the focus of the world back "Sit down" billy spoke.

The the two both sat down on the sofa. They sat in silence for a while,  "I swear this is like the third time we haven't argued for a second" Tiffany laughed quietly, "probably" billy nodded. "Why do you hate me?" Tiffany asked, billy shook his head "I don't" her replied quietly. "Then why do you always argue with me?" She asked another question.

He shrugged, "because you argue with me" he explained. Tiffany nodded, "fair point" she laughed. Billy looked over and stared at Tiffany causing her to look back over at him, "what?" She asked. "I really don't hate you" he smiled, Tiffany was taken aback that he had smiled? She didn't know if what he was saying was all the alcohol in his system but she liked this side of him.

A friendly side.

"I didn't think you thought I hated you so much" he spoke up again, "well you do act like it" and she replied, the two stared into each others eyes. Then something unexpected happened, something Tiffany never thought would ever happen in a million years. She hated him and he hated her, right?

Billy leaned towards Tiffany and kissed her.

Rogue, Billy Hargrove ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now