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"And then she was like crying her eyes out, it was so funny you should of been there" Steve gossiped, Tiffany nodded tiredly. "I wish I was" she replied as she yawned, Steve shook his head "you really don't care do you" he laughed. Tiffany shrugged, "well you didn't have to put it that way. You made me sound rude" She chuckled.

"Well we are here" Steve smiled as the two stood outside the history classroom, "Steve" Tiffany quickly turned around. "Yeah?" He looked focused, "did Nancy tell you what happened last night?" Tiffany asked and Steve nodded. "Keep your voice down, they are listening" Steve hissed. Tiffany shut up, "alright alright" she replied holding her hands up on surrender.

"Ok, we will talk about this when we are making a plan of some sort" Steve spoke, "a plan? For what Steve? To save Will from a thing we don't even know of! We need to discover what it is first!" She snapped a little too loud, Steve held onto Tiffany's shoulders "I told you too keep your voice down!" He hissed again. 

"Is everything alright here?" Billy came up from behind Tiffany, Steve looked up and glared at him. "Everything's fine" Steve replied before he let go of of Tiffany, Tiffany knew he didn't hurt her and he was only trying to protect them all from the people that where 'always listening'. Steve smiled at Tiffany before he walked away.

"You good?" Billy asked and Tiffany nodded, "I'm fine let's just go inside" Tiffany spoke before they walked inside the classroom and made their way to the back of the classroom. They sat down, around nearing the  end of the lesson. Billy turned to face Tiffany, "hey can I talk to you. In my car?" He asked. It was last period and she had nothing better to do.

"Alright, what about?" She questioned, "I'll tell you in the car" he replied. She nodded, soon enough the bell went and the two ran to his car since it was raining outside. The sat down, "so what's up?" Tiffany asked. "It's about Max" he perked up, "what's happened?" She said while thinking something bad had happened to her. "She's been acting off lately, like she's doing something she shouldn't be doing" He looked a little angry as he explained it.

Tiffany watched as his face went from chill to unsettled, "do you have any idea what she could be doing?" Tiffany asked. "No that's why I asked you, Max hangs out with Wheelers brother and his friends" Billy explained, of course Tiffany had some idea why she had been acting weird.

Im sure the whole situation was aware to her, she must of known what was going on. But Billy couldn't know what was going on, not at all. If he knew he would probably laugh and not believe her or he would shout at Max for not telling him the truth, has had to lie to protect Max although she barely even knew the girl.

"Sorry I have no clue, you see Mike had been pretty off too. I mean they're kids, probably making up some secret mission to steal a shit ton of candy from the local store" Tiffany suggest in a panicked first thought, Billy nodded. "To be fair, i wouldn't put it past me" Billy took the lie as a truth.

Easier than she thought it would be.

Tiffany faced forward, "I hate that girl" Billy laughed as he was referring to Max. "Then if you hate her so much, then how come you care why she's acting off" Tiffany questioned him, "I don't" he replied sternly. Tiffany nodded, "ok then. If you say so" she answered before she got out the car. "See you later" Tiffany called out before she closed the car door and made her way to her own car.

: ̗̀➛

Tiffany pulled into her drive, she wanted to relax at home now. Have no worries and no homework to stress about, but as she looked up from the wheel something about the house felt and looked really wrong, some of the lights in the house where off but some where on. And the house looked quite, nothing about it was right.

This worried Tiffany, she immediately thought of her mum. She grabbed he keys out the car and began to run towards the front door, the only thing going through her mind was her mum. Was she ok? Tiffany quickly unlocked the front door and forced her way in, as she got inside she noticed the glass lamp was smashed on the floor.

And there was blood on the floor, a lot of blood. And it was creating a trail along the floor and bloody hand prints against the walls. It was like a crime scene, tears began to form in Tiffany's eyes. Her father had done this, or that was what she thought. She walked around the corner to see her Mother on the floor holding a piece of shattered glass that was covered in blood in her hand.

"Mum, what did you do?" Tiffany asked while tears now began to fall down her face, "I fought back. I got rid of him. He's never coming back, for once he's the one that ran away and not me" Michelle cried.

He was gone, he was really gone?

Rogue, Billy Hargrove ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now