They met

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I have been through some shit in my life, but the prospect of seeing a serpent, a Naga being was never one of them.

Our eyes meet and my soul shrivel's.

"It's a dream Miriam", I kept chanting hoping that any moment I will wake up, but the throbbing wound on my ankle from the sandworm was proof that it wasn't.

I am going to die, there is no way I am getting out of this alive.

I bounced back on my wounded feet as he neared again, his clawed alien hand still raised as a gesture of no harm I guess.

"I am Kai, I mean you no harm", he assured.
Was he trying to smile? I flinched at the sight of his fangs.
His dark red scale shines, a different ombre effect as the sunlight hit it.

What kind of snake he is ? I wonder
My best guess would be a close relative of vipers given the colour.
A massive ombre red tail connected to a torso of a humanoid frame.
Large hands with claws and sharp scaley muscular body make up this strange alien in front of me.

It was his painfully strikingly face that took my breath away.
He was strange otherworldly beauty too much too look at.

"That's what they all say, for all you might be planning to kill me", I gulped.

"or....worse eat me", Images of getting chopped flashed through me,
I gripped my bag in fear.

"I won't have saved you from screamers female if I wish to eat you"
He sent me a dark glare, his scaled brows lowering over his reptilian eyes to cast them in shadow.

I felt relieved hearing this for some reason.

"Screamers??" I asked confused
"Those being trying to kill you are called screamers, one of the predators of the dunes", he gestured towards the canyon behind us.
Ohkay so Screamers, not sandworm I made a mental note of it.

"No meal is worth that risk",
he dipped his head forward, forked tongue striking out as if tasting the air.
Yep definitely a snake

"I am Miriam", I introduced myself. Still not sure if it's a good idea to trust him but he might help me find a way out of this place.

"What is this place?..... It's not earth is it?"
glancing around the terrain I asked hoping that we were was earth and this was a Hollywood movie shoot going on.

" This place is called Davann",
After a long pause, his brows creased in confusion. "What is the Earth?"

I already knew this and the setting Suns upstairs was a stark indication.

"The planet I am from, I was going to be finally become a pilot today but somehow I got stuck into the light and teleported here" Tears filled my eye remembering how I got here.

"I don't know this earth miriammss" he picks up his spear and some kind of bag.

"We are not safe here, you were lucky they were the kit ", he frowned squinting at the horizon as a cloud of dust flew in the air.

"They are going to catch up with us and their mama wouldn't be far,"

I didn't like how ominous it sounded.
"Do you have a place to stay?" He asked

I don't have a place to stay, some cash I think in my bag but does it even work on alien planet, I don't think so.

"No," panic swamped my ribcage as I 
realised how defenceless I 
am here.

I stared pacing back and forth,
Where will I go? Is there anywhere safe here?
What if I encountered those Screamers again? I muttered under my breathe.

He released a soft, low hiss that raised the hair on the back of my neck. Our gazes collided, and 
something passed through them. 

Was it a pity? Not knowing, I looked away.

"Let's go, soon it will be dark " he held his hand out waiting,

I debated whether to go with him or not.
So far, Kai hadn’t done anything but save me from a deadly fate.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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