Chapter 29: Sadie

Start from the beginning

"Taxi's here," Carter says.

We all nod and move to exit the hotel.

The restaurant we're going to–some fancy steakhouse–is a little further than downtown, so we have to actually drive there. Dr. Snyder had a meeting to go to, so he said that he'd meet us there. It's only 5:40 because Dr. Snyder has another meeting late at night. There's a lot to do now that there's only partner against partner debates and then the ceremony left. Ms. Davenport has been frantically trying to get someone to cover her commitments tomorrow night so she can drive over to see the ceremony. I'm hoping she sees Carter and I decked out in gold. Maddie always looked good in gold and, now, I guess I do too.

Gracie offers to take the passenger seat of the taxi and immediately begins chatting with the girl driving it. The last I heard, they were talking about some artist, and I'm now thinking that Gracie is going to end up being an art major when she goes to university. I plan on asking her.

That leaves me sandwiched between Carter and Felix in the middle seat. Felix, who won't stop asking whether he's going to get judged for liking his steak extra well done. And Carter, who's leg is pressed up against mine and who's hand is firmly gripping my thigh. I don't know if he realizes that he's doing it, but it's making sparks shoot up and down my legs that are only covered by sheer black tights. I swear I saw Felix look down at where Carter's hand is and smile, but he may have just been staring at the lone rubber duck on the car floor.

"If it's an option, you shouldn't be embarrassed ordering it," Carter says, sighing at Felix's dramatics.

"What if it's not an option. I'm sure some places just stop at well done," Felix worries.

"What kind of person likes extra well done steak?" Gracie asks, turning around in her seat to face us.

"See?" Felix yells. "Do you see this judgement?"

"At this rate, you're not going to be ordering steak at all," I say.

"You know what, I'm ordering just well done. I'm not willing to take the risk," he concludes, crossing his arms over his chest.

I didn't think about what we would all talk about with Dr. Snyder. I mean, Carter and Felix planned this whole thing, but, after thanking Dr. Snyder for setting up such a wonderful competition, I can't think of anything else to say. He asks us about our schools. Gracie's in the eleventh grade, as well, so it's just Felix who's still in the tenth grade and talking about how early his bedtime is and how he can't leave campus without notice. Dr. Snyder laughs while we talk and reminisces on "the good old days" when he was at boarding school.

"I think you'll find tomorrow's debate topic interesting," he says with a wink. I feel anticipation rolling in my stomach at the idea that tomorrow is our last debate day and Dr. Snyder probably knows who's in the lead right now. I almost consider asking him, but I know he'd never tell us.

After our food comes out a few minutes later–Felix got a well done steak– I immediately dig into my steak with mashed potatoes, taking sips of my tea in between.

"So, how did you all run into each other?" Dr. Snyder asks, guiding a forkful of caesar salad to his mouth.

"Sadie and I go to the same school, so we've known each other for a while. Felix sat beside me on the first day and Gracie and Sadie met before a partner debate and then again at the ball. We kind of all just began hanging out together at lunch and outside of the competition," Carter answers.

Gracie, Felix, and I nod along with his response.

"Funny how people just find each other like that," Dr. Snyder says. "I hope you all stay in contact after the competition is over."

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