Start from the beginning

She then noticed Leo sneaking through the living room, peeking through a set of plants before the boys finished playing and exchanged wide grins.

"Well, it's only our first day, but you guys sound great! I think you both have real raw talent." Marcus praised.

"Well, if our talent is raw, then we better get cooking!" Adam joked, drumming a rim shot.

"You guys were great." Harper chimed in, catching everyone's attention.

Chase turned to face her with furrowed eyebrows. "Harper, what are you doing here?"

"I forgot my notebook." She explained, then turned to the bionic brothers with a pointed look. "Can I talk to both of you? Right now?" Without waiting for a response, she dragged them away from the instruments and towards the kitchen, releasing her grip. "Why is Marcus here?"

"Duh. He's here for band practice." Adam simply replied.

"Why are you asking?" Chase wondered.

"I'm just worried about you guys." Harper explained with a tight smile. "You've only been in the real world for a little while, and there's still a lot you don't know. It only takes one person to find out what's really going on here and have you all locked up. I don't want that to happen. You guys are the best things that have happened to me."

"We'll be cautious, don't worry, Harper." Chase assured.

"You better be. I can't afford bail." Harper responded. She noticed her notebook on the dining table and picked it up. "I'm going to head back home and catch up on some work."

Harper walked towards the front door.

"Hey, Harper." Marcus called out nervously, approaching her. "Um.. Did... Maybe after, do you want to hang out? Catch a movie?"

"Sure." She replied with a warm smile.

She felt a sudden rush of heat to her cheeks. It was like someone had turned up the dial on her internal thermostat to the maximum, and now her face was turning a shade of red that would make a tomato jealous. She was sure that she looked like some sort of overripe fruit, ready to burst at any moment.

With that, she turned around and walked out of the Davenport mansion.


Later that day, Harper arrived at the school gym after Career Day. She planned to go to the Davenport's house for dinner, enjoying the free food.

Entering the gym, she saw Adam, Chase and Marcus with their instruments packed away near the doors.

"Hey, guys!" Harper greeted with a smile. "How was the concert?"

"It was amazing!" Marcus beamed.

Chase nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it was pretty crazy."

Leo walked into the gym. "Well, well, well. If it isn't my old friend Marcus."

"Sorry, Leo, you're too late. We've safely packed away all the guitars. Maybe now you can find something else to break. 'Cause you broke the guitar." Marcus deadpanned.

Leo then pulled out a tablet. "Excuse me, I would like everyone's attention right here. I have proof from our home security system."

Marcus nervously looked around.

"Hi!" Eddy greeted as he appeared on the screen.

Leo smirked. "Now watch, as I-"

"I got a confession to make." Marcus quickly interjected.

"Oh, no, you don't."

"I did it. I broke the guitar."

"That's not fair!" Leo exclaimed. "I was gonna crack this case wide open!"

Harper furrowed her eyebrows. "Guitar? What guitar?"

"Ha! He got you again!" Eddy laughed.

"What's going on here?" Mr. Davenport inquired as he approached with Bree.

Marcus sighed. "I broke my guitar and blamed it on Leo. I owe everyone an apology."

"You broke the guitar? Why didn't you just say so?" Chase asked.

"Yeah, why didn't you just say so?" Leo added, crossing his arms.

"Because I had already cracked the guitar, but if my dad knew that I broke it I'd be in so much trouble because my family is so poor and I just want everyone to like me because I'm always the new kid, so I made everyone think that Leo did it because I'm so scared and it's so hard to make friends and I'm just a dumb kid compared to all of you and my grandma just died!" Marcus cried.

Mr. Davenport's eyebrows pinched together. "Are you crying? Is he crying?"

Bree smiled. "It's okay, Marcus."

"Yeah, it's no big deal." Mr. Davenport reassured.

"We don't think you're dumb." Chase added.

"Yeah, and your grandma didn't really die." Adam blurted out, causing the group's eyes to widen. He then mouthed. "I don't know."

Mr. Davenport placed a comforting hand on Marcus' shoulder. "Marcus, why don't you come out and have dinner with us?"

Marcus nodded. "Mm-kay. You guys go ahead. I want to apologize to Leo."

With that, everyone walked out of the gym, leaving Marcus and Harper alone.

"Still want to catch up?" Harper asked with a shy smile. "Maybe see that movie you were talking about?"

"Definitely." He replied.

Harper gave him a small smile before the two of them exited the gym. Her stomach fluttered with excitement, like the sensation of a roller-coaster taking a sudden dip.

PUBLISHED: 21.06.22
DEDICATIONS: Peters_suit_lady omgthatssocrazy

To Capture a Heart • Chase DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now