Chapter 8

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The 2 teenage boys looked at eachother and laughed.

"What's going on? My head is spi—" your body was laying on the cold hard floor of the Valhalla base, you felt multiple disgusting eyes on you.

A large hand grabbed your hair tight making you look at them.

"OWWWWW WHAY THE FUCK—" your words were cut of by a kazutora looking at you.

"Y/n today youll go to the toman meeting and quit." Kazutora's words were cold and heartless. He dragged a cold object all over your body. "Or I'll kill you with this here knife~"

Your breath hitched you didn't want to be killed but you saw hanmas face across from you, he didn't care if you were dead or not.

~flash back~

As kids your parents up and left you with hanma your non biological brother.
He was a heartless person who didn't care for others feelings..

Living on the streets with hanma was scary you didn't know how to feel around him but atleast he showed his "kindness" by giving you food.

"Y/n-channnnnnnn here's your food" your face was all roughed up by some delinquents who beated you up for no good reason but hanma saved you not cuz he wanted to you no no but just for FUN!!!

He enjoyed excitement in his life so every chance he got he took it like a mouse in a cheese trap.
"Oh..thank you" you took the food and ate it giving the rest to hanma.

Your life was as pitiful as the looks you got from people can't they just mind there own damn business???!!
Seems like they can't.

~bsck to normal day~

"Fine..." you mumbled out as kazutora pulled your hair tigher.

"Don't think of running away I'll find you hunt you down and kill you in the most disgusting way possible!!!" He pushed your face back and spat on you.

You stood up.

"Whatever...." You left that place in a hurry as everyone laughed.

~hours later~

You were finally at the meeting standing in your division then called out to mikeys name.

"OI MIKEY!" You walked to him then grabbed him by the collar

'Oh my fucking god this girl??????' Takemitchy thought to himself.

"Hm? Why so fisty?" Mikey said as you gave him one tight punch.

"This gang is so fucking boring even the fights. I quit this shit" you shouted as he just looked at you in pure shock as you just walked off. You didn't reply to anyone and just walked home.

Baji..kazutora..and hanma didn't deserve your strength nor your intelligence they were unworthy of you.

Once you got to your house in a mad state you saw 2 people you didn't wanna see and 3 others on the couch talking to eachother.

"Y/nn!!! You didn't tell me your parents are such amazing people I can't believe they work for that big tech company!!!"

Your face grew mad and your pulled out something from your back pocket two things actually.

You hugged your dad and he hugged back you started to laugh and stabbed him in the back.

"Tch...amazing my ass!!!!!" Yoy let go of your father and watched his body bleed out.

Your mother stood up.
"YOU STUPID LITTLE GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!! KILLING THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU?!!! MAYBE I SHOULD KILL—" you smiled and shoot your stupid mother repeatedly in the heart with a soulless face,

"If you love me so much mother...why leave me with him...I hate him..." you hugged your mothers dead body. "Wake up...can you not stand this bullets...why did you die..? Please don't leave me with hanma...I hate me mother.." your poor self tried to wake up your mum but she had died..and you glared at hanma.

" all your fault! IF YOU DIDNT EXIST MY FAMILY WOULD STILL BE WITH ME FUCK YOU!" You tried to punch hanma but hanma just stayed silent and hugged you

~end of chapter 8!!~

A/n:hi I'm sorry for not writing my stories as much rn idk I'm just not feeling myself but I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

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