Chapter 6

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Wow had it been a hectic day for you, meeting the 'mizo mid furocious 5' most of them were horny kids just like you.
The one person who caught your eyes was there leader 'akkun' his hair was— questionable but his looks and they way he dressed were phenomenal and the way he talked to you in such a calm yet sweet voice made your stomach flutter.


You walked in front of the men with a happy smile yamagishi and makoto were at your sides to "protect you" girl they couldn't even protect themselves let alone protect you.

You akkun takemitchy yamagishi makoto and takuya sat at the park whilst it was literally night time but who cared? Not y'all it seemed.

Kiyomasa and his little bitch ass gang were just strolling around and saw the 6 of you,

"Takemichi got yourself a girl friend finally? Damn she's ugly you could do so much better not like I care but since your here—" Akkun had a bad day that day so he got up and full on punched kiyomasa into a tree, whilst his minions tried to attack the others you protected them.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP UGLY BITCH WE DONT BELONG TO ANYMORE!!!" You stood behind akkun given the men the scariest death stare know to mankind they ran away as if they shitted there pants.

"Why do people like that just act so rude to others for no reason I wanna kill Him" you said as you sat down next to takemitchy and akkun sat next to you.

"Yea but abour what kiyomasa said he should have said you and akkun" takemitchy takuya makoto and yamagishi were laughing and akkun blushed slightly and so did you it was so obvious you both had crushes on eachother but at the same time you were both stubborn you didn't want to admit it.

[the next day]

Y/n walked around and headed to her lessons of the day though she didn't do anything in them. She didn't answer questions didn't talk to anyone because none of your friends went to this school or they weren't in your class.

It was so boring but you decide to cause some chaos.

"Yo mr fatty there are people in the toilets having sex" the teacher left the class room to check if there was anyone in the toilet.

"Pff- is he seriously trying to watch live sex or sum??" You said making everyone laugh.

Unknowingly your brother was stood at the door hearing all the words that was being said by you.

"Oi sis your coming home early today" the man announced.

Whispers of the man were all around the room.

"Hanma-nii!!!"you packed your stuff up and went to hanma.

"BYE ASSHOLES!!!" The teacher came back and you threw water in him and ran away laughing with hanma.

You ran pass takemitchys class,yamagishis class,makotos class,takuyas class and lastly akkuns class. They all came running out with there stuff to see you.

Once they had caught up to you akkun grabbed your hand turning you around to him.
"Y/n! Who is this?!" Akkun questioned his voice had an angry tone in it cuz he thought that was her bf he was jealous..

"Oh that's right! I forgot to tell you guys!!! This is my brother hanma shuji! Hanma meet the my friends akkun there "leader" takemichi the crybaby yamagishi the idiot who thought wearing glasses would make him look smart he just looks dumb! And lastly makoto the horny asshole who can't keep his hands off his dick!" They all greeted hanma in a respectful way because yamagishi there "delinquent encyclopaedia"  told them about hanma.

Hanma glared at the weaklings in disgustx

"Y/n lets go" hanma said in a forcful tone.

"Okie!!" You said good bye to your friends and walked off with hanma.

A/N:Hai!!! Sorry it took me along time to upload I jsut don't feel like it to much anymore but I'll try my best hsve sn amazing night/day<3

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