A Robot Semi in Nevada?

Start from the beginning

"...I don't want to be by myself...please.."

Because Jack had to go home early because of his mom, their leader opted instead to stay in my presence. As the only one of the robots present that made me feel the least anxious, the process of having their medic check me over was slightly less stressful.


Once their medic was done, using what they called a holoform, I was cleared. No signs of serious injury, just the pretty run of the mill cuts, scrapes, and bruises that you would expect. I let out a silent sigh of relief when they didn't press further. I knew not all of them were from today's little incident.

"The Decepticons will be looking for you now."

There was that rumbling voice again, somehow gentle. My arm twitched as I slowly looked up towards the leader's towering metallic frame, avoiding his direct gaze.

"I'm... assuming those cars that ran us off the road were these 'decepticons', right...?"

The leader nodded. "Of many others, yes. You are no longer safe alone. I will appoint you a guardian to watch over you to make sure you are safe."

"I-I don't think that's a good idea, my family-" My heart was in my throat again, starting to beat too loud, too fast, phantom bees buzzing through my head.

"I will make sure we are not seen, if that is what you are concerned for."

I wanted to believe his words, but no matter how hard I tried, I wasn't fully convinced. Not even by a towering alien robot that I had just met. Ryan had his ways if something was out of line and he found out.

But... I didn't have much choice, either way, did I?

If I had to be honest with myself, I would rather take my chances with them than without. Even if they were...scary. Maybe they'd be safer than Ryan himself.


It was a quiet drive back to Ryan's house. Their leader, Optimus, offered to take me home since it was pretty obvious I felt the safest around him. It still confused me how, since he was the tallest of them all. Maybe it was his stance, who knows.

But whatever the case, it didn't make a difference on how well Ryan would take my excuse for why I was so late. I just hoped that it went well.

The Prime let me ride in the driver's seat, which if I had to be honest with myself, a part of me really enjoyed it. For a brief, quiet moment, I felt safe, untouchable.

A quiet rumble came from the speakers. "I apologize if we scared you today."

I looked towards the steering wheel in front of me, watching the Autobot symbol in the middle. "It's okay." I paused, wondering if I should try to start a conversation.

Do I dare? I bit my lip.

"At least you are infinitely less scary than those Decepticon guys..and nicer, too..."

The Prime, surprisingly, took a few long seconds to finally respond. When he did, his voice was a little softer than before. "I am pleased to hear that we made a better impression."

At his words, I couldn't help the soft, little smile that came. But the smile only lasted so long, once I recognized where we were.

We were close to home.

"Um... Left at the next stop sign," I muttered out. My fingers ran through my hair, toying with the ends repetitively. The emotional whipash I felt was awful, my hands beginning to shake.

"Your heartrate is elevated."

I jumped in the seat at the sudden voice.

"I don't really want to go home..." I blurted out, fingers pulling at my hair in distress. I could see our street now, and suddenly I felt sick to my stomach.

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