Lullaby for a Lover

Start from the beginning

With this, I enter my own kind and looked into my past memories with my beloved.

Some are happy, sad, and fun. But one struck the most is that my own image. As the King who led his people into a peaceful void from the thousand years.

Then to his side, his omega. Queen and the Luna of Paradise. Now that I focus on the image, I just noticed that all of the people never acknowledge him.

I sigh sadly. "Once stood an alpha who shown like the sun, look proud on his kingdom and sigh." I said looking at the image of myself. "He smiled, and said, 'Surely there is no alpha so powerful and so well belived as I.'" I said mimicking the same thing my past self said that day. It was when my coronation and birth as king. I was stupidly arrogant, now that I look back. "So great was his rein, so brilliant his glory. That long was the shadowed he pass..." Then I glance at my omega's image, now feeling guilt swimming in my chest. "Which fell dark upon the young omega he loved. And grew only darker as days and nights passed."

I can feel my eyes watering at the sight of ny omega in distress and...hopeless. So I walked ahead and saw the memory of him and me. We were just..laughing, smiling, and having fun. That was when we were just mere humans. When we still have no power. When everything was normal. When...we fell inlove, without a care in the world. When God hasn't chosen us to be the guardian of his world.

That memory was when were in the forest near our houses collecting wood together. "Hey! Why did you do that?!" He said while giggling. My past self answered with nothing but a shrug. "Hey." He said placing a hand in my shoulder. "Why are you so down?" Past me didnt answer. "You really are difficult." He puffed his cheeks making a pout. Past me began to blush and tried to hide it. My beloved gasped. "Are you blushing?!" Past me also didnt answer and just tried harder to hide the obvious blush. "That's cute! You know even when you dont talk much, I will still stay here with you! Yeah! Levi Ackerman will stay here with Eren forever!" Then our parents called us from the distance. "Well, not forever in here- I guess, we need to get going or our parents will scold us for not getting thus woods back." He pulled my sleeves and started walking towards the house, not forgetting the wood we collected.

I was a fool. This is my fault. I sigh again. He was always there for me, but what did I do when he needed me? Neglect it, says that its fine. He will be fine. I was a fool. Even know. How can everyone loves me?

I looked away from that memory and started glancing to others. I saw one painful memory. The image of me and Levi on our shared bedroom...We were fighting. I kept insisting him to go to the ballroon with me and greet our guess. I didnt acknowledge by then that he was overwhelmed. When he said he just wants to be back to our normal lives as humans, I exploded and started cussing at him. Saying things that I knew then that it hurt him but didnt stopped. By now, seeing this memory, I want someone to punch me in the face. When I finished saying those words, he was sobbing and I can see the hurt in those beautiful silver irises. I just walked out not looking back at him and greeted the guest. I know he loves me. And I took that for granted. He always made me feel special and loved. I know he does. And I'm a jerk, I dont deserve him with all the things I have done to him.

By now, I looked away with tears in my eyes. I couldnt bare seeing ny beloved like that. And the pain in my chest is making me remember that I deserve this. The pain, the problems. Karma is going to get me. I know it. I don't deserve Levi's love.

"Soon did that alpha takes notice that others did not give his omega his due..." Then realization once again hit me. I know there wasnt another excuse for Levi's treason to the kingdom except for me. I hurt him. Thinking this I said. "And neither has he loved him as he deserves, he watch as his omega unhappiness grew." I squeezed my eyes shut when an image of Levi transforming into hus inner omega came into view. Oh how I couldnt look at his complete omega form without balling my eyes out. It's a beautiful form of Levi, well he is gorgeous in the first place, but his omega form made him more glamourous.

But I never imagine that his inner omega took my harsh words seriously..stupid right? Luna, Levi's inner omega took control of Levi's whole body and fought me for revenge for all that I said. Levi was emotionally weak after I said those words, and couldnt fight Luna for dominance over his own mind.

"But such is the way, all the limelight it sweetly took hold of the mind of its host." Luna was thirsty for revenge and that makes him powerful. And like I said, Levi was broken by then. He wants to fight, I saw it in his eyes. He wants to defend me and protect me. I know he does by the look he gave me before Luna took over. He was pleading for me to say something without his own words. But you know what I did? "And that foolish alpha, did nothing to stop the distraction of one who had needed him most." I said with my voice cracking and slow drop of tears.

I open my eyes and once again glance to all the memories I had with ny omega. Then saw the image I hate seeing. The image of me fighting ny own omega. All I could think of when we fought was that omega is not Levi. But Luna. The omega who wants to destroy my alpha who said those things. Rouge.

Yes, its rouge who said it all not me. But still, I didnt stopped him and just obeyed him.

Luna and Rouge were given to us by Father for our powers and as our inner instincts. But Luna and Levi never got along. As well as Luna and Rouge. But me and Rouge...I just obeyed him, his orders. So now you know. I'm not the one whose ruling this kingdom but him.

I silently watch the scene of me and him fighting with our complete form. "Lullay, dear, Levi goodnight you are mine. Rest now in moonlights embrace...Bare up my lullaby winds of the earth, through cloud, and through skies, and through space. Carry the peace and the coolness of night, and carry ny sorrow and kind. Levi, I love you much more than you know, my troubles be far from your mind-" Then I saw myself used my last bit of power to vanish him through the moon. Which makes a huge 'L' form on the left side of it. -"And forgive me for being so blind..."

The moon. That is were he is. Alive? I dunno. All I know is, that's were I put him for thousand of years.
And the reason why I'm always in my garden, singing lullabies to the moon, hoping he will hear it. Hoping he will come back. Again I'm stupid to think that. How am I going to bring him back first of all? And...Does he still loves me? I'm afraid that after all that I did to him...He doesn't anymore.

I couldnt help but cry. And I went back to the garden cause I can't take it any longer. All those memories...Are painful yet..Memorable and special for me.

I glance up in the moon and said with broken sobs. "The years now before us. Fearful and unknown. I've never imagined...I face them on my own. May these thousand winters. Swiftly pass I pray...I-I love you..I m-miss you..." I said voice cracking. "All this miles..away.." I got a shaky breath and continued. "May all your dreams be..sweet tonight." I smiled, now turning my back and walking towards the entrance of the castle. "Safe upon your bed of moonlight." I say as I can see the rays of the sun rising. "And know not of sadness...pain, or care. And when I dream I'll fly away and meet you there.." Now the sun rose through all its glory. The moon slowly can be seen setting. "Sleep." Its time for him to rest. "Sleep." Now close to the entrance and stepping into the pavement of the castle. I glance back and saw the moon now nowhere to be seen..He must be asleep now. I smiled and look straight ahead and shut my eyes for a second. "Sleep." I open my eyes and head to the halls getting ready for another busy day.


Part 2? Or nah?


I'm actually proud of this. And if you want a part 2 just comment and pls vote, cuz it really makes me happy when you do that. And, lets be besties yehey<3

(2174 words)

Ereri Oneshots (Smuts, Fluffs, and Angst)Where stories live. Discover now