info and ages

198 6 0

Paperjam: 8

Gradient: 8

Crescent: 9

Lux: 7

Starcross: 7

Angst: 7

Desire: 7

Lurro: 9

Merciless: 5

Despair: 4

Blueprint: 7

Palette: 8

Goth: 8

Raven: 9

Fury: 8

Sprinkle: 8

Plum: 8

Aaron: 9

Starway: 7

Deneb: 9


Sorell: 7


-So Pj and Grad are twins and they are leftover paint from error and inks battle 

-Lux and Starcross are also twins and are being celestial beings created by magic

-Palette is left over magic creation due to ink and dream fighting 

-Starway is from a different universe and fled here because of her other universe 

-Blueprint is a kid that was left one the streets that blue saw and decided to adopt him and name him "Blue"- print

-Aaron is a parasite bugged by inks coding and genocide numbers 

-Despair is just another errorink ship child he's younger than both paperjam and gradient

-Deneb is an outersci ship child basically step brother of starway

-fresh happens to be a??????? 

-Crescent doesn't happen to be neglected or abused by his parents 

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