The Abduction

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Johnny's POV

It was a nice warm summer day, and I was sleeping peacefully in bed next to Ponyboy. Until I wasn't. I awoke in the most unexpected and blatantly stupid way possible. I woke to Dally in front of my face, quickly motioning his hand to cover my mouth. "Hmm? Dally!" I tried to mumble out in the slightest.

"Quiet, Johnny! Don't wake the boy." I confusingly tried cursing him out as he scooped me up and kept my mouth covered. "Light as a feather. And a learning potty-mouth too." he shut the door of the room and we entered into the living room where he plopped me onto the couch.

"Okay, now you can talk." He assured me. "Care to explain what the fuck that was?" I almost yelled. "And... never mind." He sighed. "Dal, what's going on?" I said tiredly putting my hand to my face. "

"Pony's birthday is in three days, kid!" he sneers at me. I look at him dumbfounded. "Yeah, I know." I groan. "It's his big fifteenth, and I'm pretty sure you have nothing planned for him," he says. "Okay, and do you? I snicker.

"Man, you know I forgot it was gonna be his birthday, why on Earth would I have somethin' planned?" I scratch my head in confusion. "So then wh..-" "Sodapop." he cut me off. "Huh?" I said giving a confused look.

He sought. "Soda said he'd pay me to wake ya up and for us to plan something for Pony's birthday, while he's at work today," he explained. I sighed while stretching, "Well, why can't we ask anyone else for help?" I said. "Darry's got long shifts of work this week, and the fact that Steve an' Soda kept leaving work early last week, The longer they have to stay this week, so that leaves
for the most, the two of us for this." he talks it into me.

"Where's Two-Bit?" I asked. "Apparently on vacation, that he told none of us about, and I in fact found this information out from his mother," Dal said as I rolled my eyes.
"So, what? We just gonna leave Pony in his room until his birthday?" I asked

"No. We need a plan." "Plan for what?" Pony asked groggily outside his room door.

We're gonna need to abduct this kid away from here..

Ok yes it's short and took a month to publish im so so sorry

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