The Hero

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Johnny's POV

I watched Pony sitting in front of me on the bed. His face heated-up at my statement and he couldn't help but laugh.
He's so cute. In a friend way.

"I guess we are the closest buddies, right?" I nodded giving him a soft grin and hug. He immediately melted into it. His arms carefully wrapped around my back. I guess he was scared if it was still in severe pain.

Months back in the hospital from the church accident, I couldn't feel anything below around the middle of my back. It was bad. I said I wouldn't be able to walk again, even on crutches, but it was kinda an understatement.

Until a month or so recently, I was finally able to take the crutches away. But still, that was almost more than half a year with them.

If it weren't for Ponyboy saying that I'd be okay, I would've lost it all and not believed him. I was so close to not making it. It's one of the biggest miracles of any of our lives.

I didn't realize how long we were in the hug until Pony asked softly "You want me to let go any time soon?"

"Almost." ". . . As long as you'd like."
"I'm glad to be here with you, Ponyboy," I said, releasing from the hug. "Me too. I started getting emotional at that, But of course, one tear had to peek out from my eye. "Oh no, don't cry Johnnycakes, you're gonna make me cry." He said, alarmed.

I couldn't help but let it fall. He put his hand on my cheek and brushed the tear away. "Let it out." I cried into his chest for a bit silently. Before stopping and taking small gasps for air.

"I'm glad to be close with you. Especially when days at church strengthened our friendship. I'm glad I can bond with you the way I could never with others." I quivered

"Yeah, Me too. Nobody else is this close with me. I always need you by my side. We wouldn't all get along without you. I don't even think I could live the same without you." He said holding me close. I got up from laying on his torso and he got a nice look at me again.

"All cried out?" He asked meaningly, but still sounding like a joking remark. I playfully elbowed him. "Shoot, yeah. Sorry 'bout all that sensitive talk."

"No sir, don't apologise. We all cry, we're just young. Don't restrain yourself from. You're still mighty tuff, sobbing or not."

He was right. "It pains me how you're so wise, Pony," I smirk. "Come on man, let's go eat. We've spent enough time in bed." I say as he helps me up off the bed. "Sorry for keeping you long here, Johnny."

"That's fine. Don't worry about it." That's what I always said. 'Don't worry about it.' I don't want him to. He'll get sucked into what I was saying and reflect on it for, who knows how long. I know Pony would.
And he'll say he won't. But I don't believe him.

Ponyboy lies to himself all the time, and he never believes himself.

We made our way to the living room and then to the kitchen. Two-Bit was watching T.V, Darry was almost out the door, and Steve was bugging Sodapop about getting ready. I noticed Dally wasn't here. He wasn't the biggest fan of being here in the morning.

"Was about to wake ya myself, buddy." Soda smiled. "Yeah, Took you a while kiddo. Well you know the drill, I'm off to work. Smoke a pack or more and I'll skin ya." Darry said at the door. "Morning, Johnny, help yourself to anything." He said, looking a me. I felt bad the Curtis' had to look out for me so much.

"Guess I'm on dish duty." Pony sighed. "I'll help." "Thanks, Johnny." He smiled while turning on the faucet. "We're out kids." Soda and Steve headed out the door.

"I wonder how Soda wakes up all charming. Who else can even keep a smile on all day every day? That's impossible" ". . You?" I answered. "Sure. Says you." I didn't believe him. "Me? I look like a ragdoll with burns and cuts." I scoff. "Not to me. I see a sweet, friendly hero." He teases. My face flushes. "A hero?" I say embarrassed. "Okay, Track boy."

"Stop flirting!" Two-Bit yells from the living room, with cake in his mouth watching a new cartoon.

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