Day 10: Love Confession

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Luffy and Law loved each other, that was no secret. Luffy liked to say things as they were and Law was a man of few words, so apart from language, they confessed their love to each other by doing things for one another.


"Oi gather up! Dinner's ready!" Sanji called everyone.

"Yahoo! Food!" Luffy was, as usual, the first one at the table, everyone else arrived shortly, including their guest for a few days, Law. The other captain made his seat beside Luffy and ate silently.

"Oi Law, you need to eat some meat too." Sanji pointed when he noticed that Law was only ingesting rice and soup.

"Yeah Torao." Luffy agreed. "Meat makes everything better!" The Strawhat captain neatly cut a generous portion of the steak he was going to devour and put it on Law's plate.

"I know dammit, I am a doctor." Law pouted ever so slightly and ate the meat Luffy had so lovingly shared with him.


"How many times Luffy-ya?!" Law scolded, dragging Luffy to the captain's quarters on the Polar Tang. Law's lover had managed to get shot with a seastone bullet, again.

"Hey it's no big deal-" Luffy protested.

"Oh it will be when it's infected and your entire arm needs to be cut off!"

"Chopper can-"

"Tony-ya left you in my care." Law sat Luffy down on the bed and wheeled his chair in front of the boy, shambles-ing the medical kit beside Luffy. "Take off your shirt."

"I thought you were going to patch this up, are we doing the naughty instead?" Luffy sniggered putting his strawhat aside. Law pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Please don't use that word for sex. Also your sleeve is in the way, that's why, take your shirt off. I will gladly make love to you later if you still want it."

"Ok, it's a deal!" Law helped Luffy pull his arms out of the shirt without injuring himself further.

The Hearts captain numbed the other captain's arm and began working on getting the bullet out. He cursed the marines for not being able to get a cleaner shot that wouldn't leave the bullet inside. Once Law was finished putting surgical glue on the rubber skin, he meticulously bandaged Luffy's arm and stuck band-aids to numerous other cuts he had managed to suffer.

Once Law had put away his medical supplies and cleaned his hands, he began his ritual of kissing each and every piece of bandage or band-aid Luffy had. He liked doing that, he liked to think it would accelerate the healing process. Law was a man of science but Luffy sometimes made him a hopeless romantic.


Law was lounging in his room on his submarine, reading through a particularly interesting medical article he had come across on the last island they had docked at. Right now they were on a winter island and Law rarely liked those so he was bundled up in blankets, his lamp setting up a warm ambience. He was at peace.

"Toraoooo~!" Luffy ran through the corridors, his sandals ringing the metal floor. He came to Law's room and opened the door. "Torao let's play in the snow-" Luffy stopped when he saw Law was reading. Law looked at his lover to see what he would do.

Would Luffy drag Law to play?

Would Luffy leave Law be and go play himself?

But Luffy only stared at the older captain and silently closed the door, taking his shoes off at the edge of the bed, pulling his coat and sash off, putting his strawhat on Law's study table and crawled in the bed, under the covers, cuddling close to the other man.

10 DAYS OF LAWLU 2022Where stories live. Discover now