Day 07: Free Day (Testament)

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"Gomu gomu nooooo pistoruuuu!!" Law shielded his ears from the loud cry of his allied captain's attack before the hand that was holding his, just minutes ago, was shot out, the fist colliding with a charging marine.

"We don't have time for this Mugiwara-ya! Retreat to Sunny!" The Hearts captain reasoned, pulling Luffy by the back of his vest. He opened a ROOM and took them as close to the Strawhats' ship as he could in a single opening.

They were on a new island. They were being attacked by marines. Big surprise. Luffy wanted to fight. An even bigger surprise.

"I wanted to fight!" Luffy complained when the captains landed on the grassy deck. Law rolled his eyes.

"You've barely recovered from your previous fight, show some self-preservation."

"Luffy! You were fighting?!" Chopper fumed, overhearing the conversation. "Even when I told you so many times to stay away from fighting!!"

"Good luck." Law whispered to the rubber captain, smirking, knowing Chopper would give Luffy a hard time, and went to the Polar Tang to get the hell off the island. They would be meeting up soon in calm waters so there was no need for long goodbyes.


The Strawhats were partying. Why? Their captain never needed a reason to party and today was just like any other day. The catch today was especially big so that might have been a reason to bring out the good booze and dance the day away. Luffy and Chopper were doing just that, dancing their weird dance with chopsticks in their noses and baskets in their hands.

"That's very unsafe and unhygienic." Law commented landing on the Thousand Sunny's deck. They were supposed to meet a few days ago but both the crews had run into trouble and drifted a little farther from each other.

"Torao! Come dance with us!" Luffy yanked his chopsticks out and offered it and the basket to Law who didn't bother to hide his disgust and swatted the rubber hand away from him.

"Not even when I'm drunk." Seeing Luffy's pout, Law sighed. "Brought you something." A big ROOM opened and the empty space on the upper deck was soon occupied by a dead sea king.

"Uhyooo! More meat!!" The Strawhatted captain jumped, excited, stars in his eyes. "Sanji!"

"Yeah I'm on it." The cook got up and handled the situation.

"Thanks Torao! You're the best!" Luffy hugged Law, wrapping his rubber arms around the other captain a few times.

"I know." The older whispered, pushing the strawhat back and kissing the exposed forehead of his lover.

"Awwwh~" Law rolled his eyes at the cooing of his crew arriving aboard the Sunny.

"Aren't you two sweet~" An unknown voice spoke and immediately the light air and music died, replaced by a threatening aura from all the crews present. The interloper was casually sitting on the stairs that led to the upper deck.

"What a cutie-" Sanji started his simping but was cut off by Zoro.

"Who are you?"

The woman grinned, not evilly per se, but it wasn't welcoming or comforting to see either. Everyone was tense and battle-ready, except for one rubber idiot.

"Wanna party with us?" Luffy offered, a grin on his face, letting go of Law and putting his hat back on.

"Luffy!" The Strawhats crew all protested simultaneously.

"Mugiwara-ya! We don't know the intentions-" Law started.

"Don't be a party-pooper everyone!" Luffy remarked and turned to the woman. "Let's party!"

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