Day 03: Royal AU

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Monkey D. Luffy. The heir apparent to the throne of Dawn Kingdom.

Monkey D. Luffy. The champion of hand-to-hand combat in the whole of Dawn Kingdom.

Monkey D. Luffy. The sweet, kind boy, loved and adored by his people very much.

Monkey D. Luffy...

"MONKEY D. LUFFY!!" Sanji, the kitchen head ran after the heir. "GET BACK HERE YOU KITCHEN THIEF!"

"NYAHAHAHAHA!" Luffy laughed and jumped through the nearest castle window, the bag of meat he snatched from the royal kitchen in his arms, secure. He landed gracefully and made a run for his room. Sanji was his friend, he would forgive him and it wasn't Luffy's fault he was hungry and dinner was hours away!

The castle was a big place, as castles usually were. It was pristine, grand and whatever other words people used to describe such structures. Luffy didn't care much about these things. He had his friends, he had adventure, he had food, he was happy.

"Luffy, not so loud, Ace is recovering." Luffy stopped to see his older brother, Sabo. They weren't really brothers, Luffy was the only biological son of the King but Ace and Sabo had been with him since he was a child, they had a ceremony amongst themselves and declared themselves siblings.

"Sorry." Luffy walked solemnly to Sabo, to peak through Ace's door. Ace got hurt protecting Luffy from a vicious thug that was out of Luffy's league at the time. Luckily, they had a good doctor and Ace's life was declared out of danger, but he still required lots of rest to properly heal. This reminded Luffy, "when is his doctor getting back?"

"Not for some time. He said Ace was stable enough for him to go to another patient in another town." Sabo provided, closing Ace's door and leading Luffy away silently.

"Hmmm." Luffy hummed, a little sad he won't get to see the doctor. That guy was interesting, though Luffy had never met him face to face. "Ok! Then I'm off!"

When Luffy arrived in his room, he quickly hid the meat he got, ate some of it and went on his way to find the wisest person he knew, his friend Robin. She taught him a lot about being a prince, she was his tutor of sorts but she was his friend before that. Robin knew everything and could find out about anything he would ask, so Luffy was sure she would be able to help him about a certain man.


Trafalgar D. Water Law was an assassin. Plain and simple. And tonight, he had a target.

He checked the mobility of the harness his long sword, Kikoku, was strapped into. Finding it to his liking, he made sure he had enough poison to kill the target in one go. Law didn't like using poison, often times they were slow, but his client had insisted that he use that particular thing to kill the target and Law would get whatever he wanted as his payment. It was more than a fair trade, somewhat suspicious when he really thought about it but he had dealt with shady clients before, this would be no different.

Law made his way to the back of the castle of the Dawn Kingdom, already having scouted the entire place before making his move. His disguises came in handy for that matter, like the doctor in-charge of the prince's bodyguard, Ace. While it was a disguise, Law actually was a medical doctor, with proper certification and licenses. It was the profession he really wanted to pursue but revenge had priority.

Today was to be the party for completion of Ace's recovery and so there were guards posted everywhere. Why Law had chosen such a day for infiltration and assassination was so he could strangle a lone guard and steal their uniform, something he was doing at the moment. He could have fooled everyone even with just being the Doctor Trafalgar, here to check on his patient but he had already said that he was out of town and he did not want the murder that was going to happen today to be linked back to him.

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