Chapter 26: Case Closed

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Rimuru turned to Yoshino "Let's go pay that Mayor a visit"

"Sure thing" Yoshino answered

Rimuru snapped his fingers and appeared inside the Mayor's office with Yoshino by his side. The Mayor who was behind his desk was startled by the appearance of Rimuru and Yoshino.

The Mayor ran back near the window of his office and glared at Rimuru and Yoshino "How are you two here? Why ain't you dead?"

Rimuru laughed at him "O you foolish mortal. Did you really believe that a puppy like that is enough to kill us. I commend you for being strong enough to capture that puppy, but it is all useless in the end. You are known as the strongest beast man in the world and your powers are impressive rivalling my little Yoshino here, but it is all meaningless before me. I haven't done anything yet, but your instinct was able to perceive danger when standing before me. For that, I commend you"

The Mayor glared at Rimuru in anger 'What do I do? I don't know why but all my instinct are screaming for me to run or I will be killed by this being before me. Just who is she to make me feel this way? It doesn't matter! I must find someway to escape or I will die. I will just find somewhere else and rebuild all that I have lost after I escape'

With that thought, the Mayor began to laugh "You may be strong but I will never let you capture me"

On saying that, the Mayor jumped with all his strength towards the window with the hope of smashing it down with his body and running away with his full speed. That was the plan, but reality was very cruel. With all his strength put in his body, yet the Mayor could not smash an ordinary glass window. The Mayor was confused on why the window was not breaking and tried again only to get the same result.

Rimuru laughed out loud "Look at you trying to run away in a pathetic way. I have some bad new for you mister Mayor. The moment I appeared before you, your fate was already sealed"

The Mayor turned and glared hatefully at Rimuru "What did you do?"

"Why look so surprised!? That window will never open or get destroyed unless I permit it. Even none living things obey my will you know" Rimuru told him in a calm voice

The fear inside the Mayor truly increased after hearing what Rimuru said "Just what are you? No creature in this world have such powers"

Rimuru smirked at the Mayor "What I am is of no importance to you. Let's just say that I am the one who answered the prayers of the humans in this world"

The Mayor fell into despair after hearing that. It was quite obvious just who Rimuru is from the answer he received.

'I can't believe that a deity is right before me. My fall was inevitable the moment the deities were involved. I should have run when I had the chance' the mayor thought to himself in sorrow

Rimuru eyes glowed and multiple yellow light glowed and tied up the Mayor of the Clover town. He turned to Yoshino "Let's return to Chloe and the others"

"I guess we are finished here papa" Yoshino said

"We sure are honey" Rimuru took Yoshino's hand and began to walk out of the Mayor's home with the tied up Mayor floating behind him.

Rimuru reached the town square and saw multiple families having a reunion with the missing females from their family. Some beast women were crying tears of joy while hugging their children while some were kissing their husbands with tears of joy. It was a happy scene for the beast town.

Rimuru saw Chloe and the others standing next to some tied up beast men who all look like they could seriously use some doctor. He began to walk up to them while still holding Yoshino.

Two Gods Summoned To A Fantasy WorldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin