Chapter 1

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  'Have you heard?' said an bearded old man as he closed a copy of the prophet in his hands, 'all the Deatheaters are being sentenced life in Azkaban.'

'Not all of them,' scoffed a beefy, grumpy-faced man that sat opposite of him. His teeth noticeably yellow and uneven, his chin left with a few unshaven strands of white hair, 'the Malfoy's still still on trial, reckon Lucius's bribing them with his dirt-earned galleons.'

'Mmm...I doubt so,' the bearded man shook his head, 'Kingsley wouldn't let them go under his nose.'

'Besides, it's only been a month, and they've already captured like, what, 70% of the deatheaters involved?' he continued.

A hum alongside a nod came from the grumpy-faced man.

 'Can't believe a months passed, since the battle.' he murmured, 'we all owe one to that Potter boy and (Y/L/N) girl. Defeating Voldemort, that'll definitely be in the new history books.'

'Yeah...' the bearded old man drawled out as he sipped from his mega pint of butterbeer, 'the public hasn't heard from them since the battle though, must be hard.'

'They're just kids....'

Slowly, their voices faded into soft murmurs, mumbled words as in the distant corner of the Three Broomsticks, spotted someone with a hooded top who just silently sat there, unrecognized by anyone.

Lost in trance, plainly staring out the window, barely distinguishable shake of her leg, her arms crossed on the table. For once in her life, she could feel invisible, she could breath, breath free from the years of suffocation and that was all she greed for.

But, in all honesty how could you blame her? 

A month, a month's passed since she had stepped out of her house, a month's passed since she's seen the outdoors, felt the wind breeze pass her skin, smell the breath of the great outdoors.

Footsteps started to near her, though her eyes were stuck on the giant tree outside the window, watching as the browned leaves gracefully fall to the ground. The green bushes, rhythmically swaying back and forth.

It took the sound of a chair being dragged along the cement floor for her to be brought back to reality. For the first time in what felt like hours, her muscles were engaged in movement as she turned to the blonde girl in front of her.

The second their eyes met each other's, a frown flashed across Lizzy's face. Minutes passed and no words were exchanged between the two, perhaps it was a month's worth of zero socialisation that caused this slight awkwardness.

'Hi,' Lizzy spoke, breaking the silence as her eyes wandered the sunken looking Y/N in front of her. 

'Hey.' she responded, rather emotionlessly.

Another pause between the two occurred, the blondie's frown did not subside, instead deepened. Though, it didn't seem to bother Y/N as her face stayed, expressionless.

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