6×Beauty and The Beast

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Chesters POV

No way. I mean, when I first saw the guy on the ground, I did say he looked like my father, but it was so dark out as well, I thought it must've just been a coincidence.
"How did you find out?" Parker asks the officer.
"We did an in depth background check and DNA sample on him." He explains.
"Wow, so, is he okay?" Parker questions.
"We don't know yet. Chances are he will be okay, but he will still have some major injuries. Especially to his skull, thighs and ribs."
"Oh." Was all I managed to say.
"I am sorry, Mr. Beckington." The officer apologizes.
"No, it's not your fault." I sink down next to Parkers bed.
"I'll give you two some alone time." He leaves the room. Silence fills the air.
"He'll be okay, Chester." Whispers Parker.
"I hope so. But it's probably going to be weird afterwards." I reply.
"How so?" He asks.
"Well, I haven't seen my dad for over a decade now, I have so many things to ask him."
"Oh, that's right."
I was sent home a few hours ago, since the visiting times was up. I've been lying in bed for what seems like forever now, but I turn towards the alarm clock, 11:12pm- and realize it's only been thirty minutes.
I can't stop thinking about not just my dad, but Parker too. If any one of them passes, I'll never be able to live my life again. It feels like everyone is leaving.
My phone dings, I pick it up and see that it's Kaleb. The message reads:

Hey, you doing okay?

Does he know what happened?
Parker must've messaged him.

Yeah, I'm doing fine. Thanks. I message back.

Parker told me what happened, you had to fight that monster again?

Parker did, someone else was injured and I helped them.

Your dad?

He told you?


I sigh.

Yeah, it was him.

Well, I hope you all are doing better, I gotta go now.

Oh, bye.


I turn off my phone and place it down on the nightstand next to me. I shut my eyes and try to get some rest. Fortunately, it only took me about seventy years to fall asleep, and I woke up to my phone ringing.
"Hello?" I answer it in a tired tone.
"Mr. Beckington, hello. This is Dr. Grey speaking, Parker is doing better, if you'd like to come pick him up, you can in about an hour." The doctor explained to me.
"Oh, great! Thank you." I say, relieved it wouldn't be longer.
"No problem, goodbye." He hangs up.
I immediately get up, get changed, and get into my car, I don't even stop to have breakfast first.
"I'm so glad they let me out early." Parker says as we drive back.
"Me too, just waiting to hear about my dad now, I guess." I say and pull into the parking garage.
"Mhm, and Amerose too maybe."
I fumble getting my keys out of my pocket, but just as I put them in the lock, I notice an envelope between the doorframe and the door.
"Hm, weird.." I think.
I grab the envelope and notice that it's not an official envelope, like there's no return address or even his apartments address, just a blank envelope. I opened it and confusion crept upon my face.
"Hey, Parker, do you know what this letter is about?" I hand him the letter and he scans over it.
"No, that's odd.." He says and hands it back to me.
The letter reads:
Mr. Beckington and Mr. Hajiaskari, this is The Days Channel, we have heard about your brave story, and are offering you a chance to be in your very own documentary! Call 876-268-1001 with conformation that this is you.

"Seems kind of sketchy.." I mutter.
"Might as well give it a call." Parker says.
I nod and shove the letter into my jacket pocket, and unlock the door.
As I'm sitting at the island, I'm re-reading the note over. I might as well call the number, I have nothing else to do other than just sit here and worry about my dad and Parker.
I open my phone to the call app, and slowly dial in the number.
*Ring Ring Ring*
*Ring ring ri-*

Uh, yes, hello, it's Chester Beckington, you left a letter in my door?

Oh, right! The documentary, I'll transfer you right now.

Mr. Beckington! How's it been?

Oh, it's been fine.

That's good, that's good. What time are you free to film the documentary?

Uhm, what's it about? Also who's are you?

Coop from Channel Eight news, we're covering for the films department as well. And the documentary, well, it's about you of course! And your run ins with Ms. Amerose.

Right, Coop! Well, where would it be taking place?

We're hoping to do it within the next two weeks, filming it on 79th street, it's the beige building with a thick blue stripe in the middle.


I'd say stop by at around eleven am on the 23rd. Does that work?

Yep, I think I'm free that day.

Great! We'll fill you in when you get there. Will Parker be free as well?


Good, good, well, thanks for your time, goodbye!

No problem, bye!
*Call Ended*

That was an interesting call, I'll have to ask Parker if he's free that day though.
I knock on the door to our room.
"Parker?" I call out.
"Yeah?" He replies and I open the door.
"Hey, so about that letter on our door, I called the number and it was that Coop guy."
"From Channel Eight, the guys who interviewed us at the mall."
"Oh, right!" He nods his head. "What did he say?"
"He reached out asking to film a documentary about, well, you know." I say.
"Amerose?" He raises his eye brows.
"Yep. He said we're meeting at some building on the 23rd, does that work?"
"Yeah, it does."
"Good. He said that he'll tell us more then." I smile.
"Yeah, I hope it's legit. Not just like the interview, it was quite messy."
"Mhm." I nod in agreement. As I leave the room, I start to think more about what Parker meant.
The way the letter just showed up on the door, not even through the mail, was kind of odd. Along with the lack of details in the phone call. I'm sure he was just nervous, or didn't expect me to call so soon.
Let's go with that.

I needed to get one out so I apologize if it's messy.
WC- 1179 words.

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