1×A Poem Called You

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Parkers POV

I woke up to Chester cuddled up against my chest, I smiled and shifted to the left and got out of bed, resting his head gently on a pillow.
I stared at him for a bit before stretching and heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. I decided to make toast and eggs for Chester and I. He's been recovering quite well from his eating disorder, still not fully healed, but he's getting there and I'm proud of him for it.
I yawn while cracking two eggs onto a pan. As I wait for the eggs to cook, I check my phone. I see a few YouTube notifications, Tweets and a message from my mum.
Hey Parky! How's Chester doing?

Hi mum, he's doing well.

That's good to hear, I got him a gift, I'm already driving over, is he up yet?

He's still asleep, you should've told me before that you're coming lol.

I should have, I guess 😂, can you give it to him?


Alright, thanks, son :)
I put down my phone and put the eggs on two plates just as the toast pops up. As I'm placing it on the plates, I hear a knock at the front door and speed walk towards it.

"Hey, mum!" I smile as I open the door and see her holding a medium sized red box with a gold ribbon tying it together.
"Hi, Parky. Came to drop this off." She hands me the gift. "Make sure to give it to Chester as soon as he wakes up."
"I will, would you want to come in for a little bit?" I offer.
She declines. "No, it's alright, your father and I are going to Denny's. But would you want to have dinner with us tomorrow?"
"Sure thing!" I say and hear a door open a few foot away from me, Chester must be up. "Well, I can hear Chester getting up, you should head out."
"Yep, see you tomorrow, Parky!" She smiles brightly and we wave goodbye as I close the door.
I turn around to see my fiance, Chester, with a slight smile.
"Was that your mum?" He asks.
"It was, she dropped off this for you, but let's have breakfast first." We start walking towards the kitchen.
"Thanks, hun." Chester tries to smile, but I can tell he's faking it. One of his least favourite recovery foods are eggs.
"You got it. Don't feel pressured to finish it all, though." He sits on a chair at the island, while I stand on the other side and lean against it.
"You say that everytime." He chuckles. "Thank you."
Chesters POV

God, I feel so useless just sitting here, not being able to finish a single egg. I've only ate about half of it, and it's been an hour. Parked finished his food like fifty minutes ago, and it took me fifty minutes to finish a slice of toast.
"Hey, hun, you still working on those eggs?" Parker walks up to me and kisses my forehead as he puts a protective arm around my shoulder.
"Yeah..sort of." I sigh.
"Well," He takes his arm away and reaches for a red box that he brought inside a while ago. "You should open this now."
"Okay.." I carefully unwrap the soft gold bow and lift off the lid, then peer inside.
Inside was a red rose cut off near the stem, it seemed to be fake. Next to it was a notepad with the words 'Memories with Mum' on it. I smiled. A note was on the rose.
"You said your mum dropped this off?" I ask and pick up the note to examine it closer.
"She did." He tilts his head to the side.
The note read:

Write down the memories you cherish most with your mother, Chester. You'll get through this, my son.

Ps. When's the wedding?

I let out a small chuckle at the last part and re-read the beginning sentences over and over again.
"So sweet." Parker says.
"It is." I sniffle. "Tell you mum I said thank you."
"Sure thing, I'll do that right now." He kisses my forehead again.
I carefully pick up the journal and skimmed through the pages. One said 'Most memorable moment' with a slit for a photo below. Another said 'Mothers day' and I think of all the Mothers Days there's been, and I can't think of a good memory for any...
It's been a while, maybe that's why I can't remember any.
A single tear leaves my eye as I put the journal back into the box and bring it to me and Parkers room.
As I start to turn the doorknob, I hear yelling. Parker is in the room, on the phone- I assume talking to his mum- but why is he yelling?
I can make out a few vague words and sentences.
"What do you mean?!" I hear him shout. "Chester won't hear me, I thought he was fine with it! Is he going to come to the wedding still?" "Really?! His own sons wedding??" "Does he know that I know?"
"Ohh, I can't wait to talk shit to him. And by the way, thank you for the gift! Chester loves it!"
"No, I'm not yelling at you, I'm yelling at myself- no! Whatever, bye!"
The call ends.
I can hear Parker sigh loudly and I hesitate for a few seconds, before knocking again.
Knock Knock.
"Come in." I hear him mutter.
"Heyy.." I say and smile awkwardly. "Uh, did your mum answer?"
"She did, she says your welcome and is glad you like the gift." He says.
"That's good..are you okay?" I ask. I can see he's trying to hide his distress.
"I'm good." He lies.
"Good. Well, I'm just gonna put this here." I open a drawer and place the gift carefully inside.
I turn to Parker.
"I love you, Parker." I almost whisper.

"I..I love you too..Chester."


I can hear your cries at night

Waiting for someone to say something about it

But none of it is right.

Can you hear me, love?

I get dragged down from above,

Only to be shoved back into place

Shoved inside a tight case.

I don't want to make you feel this way,

But there's is no choice.

If only you would forgive me,

I could stop feeling so empty.


Woohoo, different writing style I know, I'm thinking of doing these little writing "morals" ig you could call them or smth like that at the end :)
WC- 1097 words

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