5×She's in the Rain

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Parkers POV

"W-what do you mean?" I ask, nervously looking back and forth between Chester and the man on the ground. "Chester, we have to go and call the police!"
"But..it's him." Tears start to fall down his face, but his voice is stable and he just seems confused. I would be too.
"Chester, cmon!" I try to pull him back, but it's too late. He starts sprinting towards the body.
"Chester! Dammit!" I end up yelling.
I slowly make my way towards them, checking my surroundings constantly. I see him kneeled over the body, moving the hair out of the man's face in order to get a better look at him.
I pull out my phone to dial 911, my fingers fly over the numbers, and just a second before I'm about to hit send, a voice tells me to stop.
Chester must've heard it too, because he turns around and squints, his face slowly turning pale.
"Stop." Whispers the voice. Drop the phone."
My eyes darted from Chester and the body, it still laid there, motionless. I could feel my face start to heat up.
"Well, well, well..who do we have here?" The voice started to walk diagonal, just a few feet away from Chester and I, and even though it was almost pitch black outside, I could still see their wicked smile, and their face.
It can't be..
"Huh, coincidence seeing you two here tonight, hm?" She pulls down her hood and wickedly smiles.
"Amerose?" Chester and I say together.
"That's me. Now, drop the phone, Parker." She says. "Don't make this harder than it has to be." She lifts her right arm up, and I see what she's referring to. In her hand, is a knife, covered in blood.
I hesitate for a second, but quickly come to the conclusion that it would be easier if I dropped my phone, so I placed it on the ground.
"Don't hurt us." I tell her.
"Oh, I would never hurt you guys. You're my everything!" She says.
I walk over to Chester and kneel beside him and the man, he was barley breathing, it seems like he doesn't know what is happening, his eyes are just wide.
I take off my hoodie and hand it to Chester. "Chester, try to cover up any wounds this guy has, I'll deal with Amerose."
"Okay..I love you." His voice shakily says.
I swallow hard. "I love you too."
I stand back up and walk towards Amerose, trying to seem confident.
"What the hell did you do?" I question.
"If you tell anyone about this, I will do to you what I did to him." She bites her lower lip.
"You didn't answer my question," I grit my teeth together. "What the hell did you do to that man? To his dad? How did you find him?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb." I shove her a bit. "Is that Chesters dad?"
"Is it?" Her eyes go wide. "Hah! This is great!" She clasps her hands together and laughs loudly.
"That's you dad? Even if I go to jail, it'll be so worth it." She kneels beside Chester, still holding her knife, blade facing the ground. "I hope you're traumatized."
I've had enough. I grab Amerose by her collar and slam her into the wall behind me.
"Ow! What the fuck?!" She winces in pain. "I'm going to fucking murder you!"
"Not if I get to you first." I tell her sternly. She runs towards me and shoves me onto the ground, I quickly get up just as she stabs the concrete next to me. I attempt to kick her ankles, but miss as she swings her fist at me, and also misses.
"You know what? Let's make this even." She drops her knife. "Fist to fist fight."
Her right fist swings at my jaw and I bend down in pain as she punches the back of my head again. I rush to stand up, and just barley miss her other fist. I grab her hair and yank it towards the ground, she falls as I kick her back, hard.
I turn towards Chester for a split second, and see he's using my hoodie and his hoodie to cover the wounds on the man. He slowly pulls himself and the man closer to a wall, I assume as to not get hit.
We throw punches back and forth for a little while longer.
"Why won't you fucking die!?" She screams.
"I'm going to die on my own, not by your goddamn hands!" I bicker back and kick her in the thigh.
All of a sudden, there's a blaring alarm and I see flashing lights.
It's the police. They're here.
I only have a few seconds to decide my next move.
I grabbed Amerose by the hair and dragged her towards the front of the alley and wave my hands towards the police car.
As the police car pulls up, I slowly release Ame, just incase.
"Hands up!" Three officers step out of their cars, yelling at us and pointing guns in our direction already.
I quickly put my arms up in the air, and I notice Amerose does, too.
Is she surrendering?
My mind goes to Chester, I slightly turn my head around and signal to him to get up. He slowly stands up and turns the corner. His eyes go wide.
"Hands up!!" An officer yells to him.
He puts his hands up. "S-sir, someone is injured over there, they're bleeding bad." Explains Chester.
Amerose leans towards my ear, hands still raised, and whispers.
"I'm going to kill you.."
She grabs my throat in an attempt to strange me, I immediately panic, arms flailing, fear creeps upon my face.
"Hands off!" An officer yells walking closer towards us.
But she doesn't take her hands off, she instead slams my head against a brick wall, hands squeezing even tighter, until I start to run out of air.
The officer drops his gun and pulls his baton, smacks Ame over the head with it, and she falls to the ground, not unconscious, but definitely injured.
I quickly feel my throat and gasp for air, relieved.
My mind blurs and I start to feel dizzy.
Then, I collapsed.
"Parker? Parker?" I hear a familiar voice whispering my name.
I slowly open my eyes and find myself in a hospital bed.
"Oh, good, you're up." I look to my left and see Chester smile in relief.
"What happened?" I ask.
"Well, when Amerose got knocked down, you fainted afterwards, gosh, I was so worried." He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. "But after that, the police went and found the man that was hurt and called an ambulance for him and you- I think they're outside the room right now- the people in the ambulance let me come, and the other officers grabbed Amerose and shoved her into a car."
"Wow, that's a lot." I sigh.
"It was. I'm going to tell the police you're up now." He stands up and leaves.
Chester comes back in with two officers a few minutes later and they interrogate us.
"Alright, Mr. Hajiaskari, what was your relationship with Ms. Castino like?" An officer with black messy hair sits down on a chair next to me.
"Well, she was kind of manipulative, I still don't fully remember why I got into a relationship with her. She also judged a lot of people behind their backs. She would talk badly about them to me." I say.
"Has Ms. Castino ever taken advantage of you emotionally?" He asks.
"She would sometimes toss my emotions around like they were nothing, she was just really self centered." I sigh.
"I'm sorry to hear about that, one last question, how frequently would you and her argue?"
"I think we argued two or three times, I don't remember why though."
"Okay. And I have some news for the both of you." The officer looks at Chester, then back at me. "We've identified the man, to be Jack Beckington, your father, Mr. Beckington."

WC- 1362 words.

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