Slash and Destroy

Começar do início

"Dude, those things are like twenty years old! They're not exactly modern."

"They're vintage! It took me six years to collect them. Six years!"

Mikey rolled his eyes and took the magazine from Raph. "Chillax, bro! I'll clean it for yah."

"Uh, Mikey, I don't think--"

Pepper cut off as Mikey started licking the cover of the magazine. Though Donnie couldn't see his face, he could see Raph starting to shake with anger. He grabbed Spike, took him off his shoulder, and placed him in Pepper's hands. She backed away as he stepped forward and snatched the magazine from Mikey. He quickly rolled it up and smacked Mikey in the head with it. Donnie rolled his eyes and walked back to his desk, though Samirah lingered at the door.

"You mess everything up, Mikey!" Raph barked.

"It's just stuff, Raph." Leo's voice echoed out. "Meager possessions. What does it matter?"

Do they have to yell so loud?

Samirah rejoined Donnie as he sat down at his desk, setting down the chemical. He picked up the canister and started pouring it into another beaker when Raph started yelling again.

"What about your precious comic book collection, huh? Or Pepper's T-Pod? Neither of you would be happy about him getting them dirty."

"But we wouldn't try to beat Mikey up over it," Pepper retorted.

Raph groaned. "You guys always stick up for Mikey. Try seeing my point of view for once!"

"I get it. I just think, like Master Splinter says, 'Material possessions are fleeting--"

There was a loud crash, and Donnie paused on his way to grab the chemical. It sounded like Raph might've punched or shoved the machine. Again.

"Alright, enough! I'm tired of you three! You're always messing up and I gotta pay for it!"

Donnie stopped for a few moments, waiting to see if there would be any more yelling or arguing. Ten seconds passed in silence. He took the opportunity to continue his work.

"Can it get any louder out there?" Samirah muttered as Donnie picked up the chemical. 

"I'm never gonna find a retro-mutagen at this rate. Who can concentrate with Raph exploding all the time?" Donnie said. 

He raised the container above the beaker and tilted it. He put a single drop into the mutagen. Not even a second later, the consistency of the substance changed and it started glowing brightly, whistling like a teapot.

Donnie and Samirah looked at each other nervously.


The room suddenly exploded in a ball of light and color. They both flew backwards, landing on the ground. It sounded like fireworks shooting off and exploding in the lab. Donnie heard distant whistles, and realized the sparks were out in the living room as well. He crawled toward the door, raising his head to peek out.

Lights were exploding and popping all over the room. In the pit, by the ceiling, even hitting the wall. Several zoomed by rapidly, and a few went right for the pinball machine. Donnie saw Leo and the girls running away from it, and Mikey ducking behind the couch. Pepper stood by the turnstiles, ears flattened against the noise, still holding Spike in her arms. She made a run for the kitchen, but a light landed right beside her and exploded, making her fall back in surprise and land on the ground. She cradled Spike protectively in her arms.

"Pepper!" Raph yelled, running for her and Spike. "No!"


Turtles' Big SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora