Chapter 11

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The next day, Yuzu woke up to a feeling she hadn't felt in a while. She woke up to someone else's warmth, the sound of calm breathing and the sensation of her blonde locks being caressed.

"Good morning", she mumbled while still keeping her eyes shut. She didn't want to open them just yet. She wanted to stay like this just for a little while longer.

Mei on the other hand was already wide awake. She had always been an early riser and now that she woke up with Yuzu by her side, she was ready to face the day head on.

"I'm glad that your voice is the first thing I heard today", she kissed the blonde's forehead lightly to prove her statement. While she saw Yuzu's face visibly redden, she still kept her eyes closed, forcing her to go on the offense and attack her girlfriend with a barrage of kisses that traveled down to her lips.

It seemed like the display of affection was too much for Yuzu to bear. She had no choice but to wake from her slumber and do... what exactly? She had nothing planned and she couldn't go back to school yet. "There's nothing to do anyway so we might as well sleep in...", she buried her head under the duvet to shield herself from the rays of light that were seeping in through the window.

That's right, she didn't have to do anything. It was the middle of the week after all. "Wait, Mei! Why aren't you at school?"

"I took a few days off school, at least until you're better".

"Huh?", Yuzu pulled back in shock, "Why did you do that?". Though she was happy, Mei was never one to skip student council work, let alone school.

Mei almost scoffed at her reaction. "Isn't it obvious? I want to spend some time with the person I love"

Yuzu stared back, dumbfounded, like it was the most implausible thing she ever said. "That's the first time you ever said you like me"

Mei raised an eyebrow. She was sure she'd mentioned it at least once before. "Why the look of surprise? Haven't I practically already proposed to you?"

"So you proposed before you even told me you love me", Yuzu deadpanned. She had always been a maiden at heart, always dreamed of finding someone, falling in love and marrying her one true love. Unfortunately for Yuzu, her 'one true love' was oblivious to any sort of romantic affairs. Mei had done things 'out of order', like when she'd stolen her first kiss before they'd even gotten to know each other.

Of course, there was no 'right order' when it came to love.

The black haired girl shrugged, "Most arranged marriage partners never meet until the day they are to be wed".

'I guess so...'. Yuzu felt a bit insecure at the thought. To Mei it was common practice to be betrothed to someone that would benefit the family and Yuzu knew that she was willing to marry anyone to fulfill her duty as the heir of the Aihara family. It was business, an investment. Would Mei still want to be with her even if there was nothing to be gained?

"But I'm glad I met you before being married off to some rich guy", Mei suddenly added. There was no way she was giving up Yuzu, not even for her family.

"Eh? What about Amemiya?"

Mei grew silent. The unpleasant memory of her ex-fiancé made her cringe. She wrapped her arms around Yuzu once more, holding her even tighter than before. "Yeah... I'm really glad I met you"

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