Chapter 1

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'Haah… haah', Yuzu's heart felt like it was about to explode. The blood rushing through her veins felt hot, almost like it was burning her from the inside out. She tried to steady her breathing but couldn't get herself to calm down.

'What the hell was that?!' she thought to herself. Just now her first kiss, the kiss she'd been saving for someone special, was taken by her younger step sister. She felt a mixture of emotions; anger, sadness, confusion. She was angry that her first kiss was nothing like she'd dreamed of it being like. She was sad that she'd never get the chance to have it again and she was confused that, out of all people to have her first kiss with, she'd had it stolen by a complete stranger.

She crawled over to her bag, still panting heavily and hurriedly popped a pill into her mouth. After concentrating on her breathing for a while she finally managed to calm down.


The last week had been exhausting for Yuzu, to say the least. On day one, Yuzu had moved to a new school and made an enemy out of the student council president who also happened to be her new younger step sister. On top of that, she has made multiple sexual advancements towards her and afterwards, acted like nothing had happened between them. The younger girl's actions have completely made a mess of Yuzu's thoughts and feelings and has even caused her to become expelled from her school. So to summarise, in just one week, Yuzu had lost her first kiss to her brand new little step sister, realised after many sleepless nights that she'd fallen in love with her and got expelled from her school. So far, it's been a pretty shitty week.

But she wasn't one to give up. Yuzu was determined to ask Mei's grandfather for a second chance. Of course, she was already expecting the worst case scenario but she had to at least try to convince him to revoke her expulsion.

She did not, however, expect him to be lying on the floor, suffering from a heart attack. Acting on instinct and experience, Yuzu called an ambulance immediately and started to perform CPR. Thankfully, the ambulance arrived on time and he would not suffer any long term damage.

"Please leave us", Mr Aihara said in a gruff voice. Wordlessly, the men packed up their laptops and left the room. "You too", his tone softer as he looked at Mei. Although a moment's hesitation she reluctantly obeyed, leaving only Yuzu and her grandfather in the hospital room.

"I wanted to thank you and apologize for the trouble I've caused…", the proud man bowed down as far as he could.

Yuzu shook her head, "I only did what anyone else would've done! Besides, you're family now too"

Mr Aihara raised his head, "Which reminds me, I have decided to revoke your expulsion. After careful reconsideration I realized that I was being too hasty. Being stuck in this hospital bed and talking to Mei has made me realize that"

'Mei talked to him for me?', Yuzu couldn't help but smile, "Thank you, grandfather". Just as she was about to turn and leave Mr Aihara called out to her.

"Revoking your expulsion isn't the only thing I wanted to walk about"

Yuzu looked at him in confusion but didn't say anything.

"When I first heard about you, I thought for sure you'd be a timid, frail girl. So I didn't expect to meet such a rambunctious and energetic girl. Your mother informed me of your condition shortly after you transferred to the academy."

'Does that mean Mei knows too?'

As if sensing her inner turmoil, the old man continued, "Don't worry, no one else knows", he assured. "Your mother informed me of your… reluctance of letting people know about your condition"

Yuzu breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, although I respect your wishes, as the chairman of the school and now also as a family member, I am concerned for your health and safety. The school nurse has been informed of your condition and has signed a confidentiality agreement. With this, your mother can rest assured that proper medical help can be provided for you while you're on school grounds", he finished.

The blonde was hesitant but after a moment she finally spoke, "Thank you gramps for cancelling my expulsion and for your concern but there's one more favour I need to ask of you. Please, don't tell Mei"

The chairman raised an eyebrow but from the pleading look she was giving him he respected her wishes and did not ask any further questions. "Very well", he nodded before dismissing the girl as well.

Yuzu once again bowed in gratitude before taking her leave.


'This is so frustrating!'

"Hey, Yuzucchi! We're supposed to be cleaning!"

"I don't want to get any closer to you beyond family. Because I have no interest in you"

Yuzu recalled the words that tore her heart into the pieces. 'What the hell?! It's not like I wanted to fall in love with her!', she thought to herself as she started mopping the floor vigorously. While her feelings were disregarded so coldly by Mei she had no idea that her actions would cause more than just emotional pain for the older girl.

"It's not fair!", Yuzu said out loud, tears still in her eyes from her outburst.

Harumi started patting her on the back, "There, there Yuzucchi. We can grab some ice cream on the way home. It'll surely cheer you up!"

"...Thanks Harumin~"

However, it seemed like their adventure to the ice cream shop would have to wait.

Meet me at the chairman's office- Mei

"This was found with your belongings", Mei held up a pill bottle with no label. It was her medication. How could she have been so careless? Mei had probably found it in her bag. Of course, as the student council president it was her duty to punish her, depending on what the pills were for.

Yuzu struggled to come up with anything, making Mei more suspicious with each second passing. Telling her new step sister the truth was out of the question. She'd probably get caught if she lied and said that they were drugs (though, either way that would have dire consequences). So instead she decided to tell her a little bit of both, "They're for my period!".

Mei looked sceptical so Yuzu decided to elaborate, "They're pills to help regulate my period…", she said in embarrassment.

Her meek attitude and her reluctance to admit the pills' purpose was enough for Mei to believe her.

"I see, I apologize for suspecting you", she handed the bottle back to the blonde before dismissing her to which Yuzu obeyed.

When she left the room, Yuzu breathed a sigh of both relief and guilt. She was relieved that Mei didn't find out but also guilty for kind of(?) lying to the raven haired beauty. Her medication did technically regulate her periods, though that was just one of the effects. Its real purpose, however, was for her heart condition.

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