Skater Boy

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Lara's phone lit up and she was pleasantly surprised to see it was her friend Jimin. "Hey Jimin!"

"Hey Lara. How are you?"

"Good. It's so good to hear your voice!" 

"I'm sorry, it's been a few weeks. I should have called sooner."

"It's okay. I know you guys are busy."

"I was calling to tell you; we will be in town next weekend for the tournament. We've just been asked to host this year since the scheduled host couldn't get out of a prior commitment." 

"OMG, that's great! I'm so excited I get to see you guys." 

"We will be excited to see you too. I vote for a night at the Arcade!" 

"I love it! It's a plan."

"Okay. One of us will call you when we get to town next Friday."

"Okay Jimin. Tell JK and Hobi I can't wait." 

"Bye Lara!"

Lara put her phone down and clapped with excitement. "My favorite guys are coming Luna!" Luna meowed and rubbed up against her ankle. 

Lara had met Jimin, Hobi and JK two years earlier when she was working at a charity skating event. They no longer competed on the circuit but had become quite famous as a skating trio called SK8. They performed across the country and abroad, but mostly in their home country South Korea. Their act included skate boarding, acrobatics and hip-hop dancing. They were thrilling to watch. After the event, that day they met, they asked her where the best place to go to in town for fun was. She told them the local arcade that also had a go cart track. They pretended not to understand her directions and talked her into going. They had so much fun that night. They became good friends and kept in touch seeing each other every few months. They were super sweet and huge goofballs, but when they performed, they were all business. They were flawless and fierce and mesmerizing. 

- The Next Friday - 

Lara was having fun with her skater friends as always but was also a bit distracted because she couldn't stop thinking about Hobi's hug at the beginning of the evening. The way his body felt against hers, the way he smelled, the way he embraced her different than he ever had and the way their eyes stayed locked a little too long when he slowly pulled away. 

She tried to stop thinking about it and joined JK and Jimin at the pinball machines. She chose one with the Joker on it. His green hair lit up every time she scored points. Jimin and JK were laughing hysterically, both a bit tipsy. 

Hobi joined them after returning from the restroom. Even the way he walked was doing something to her. She had stopped playing with the Joker and was standing with Jimin and JK, watching them compete in a game on a Beetle Juice themed pinball machine. Jimin screamed in defeat every time JK outscored him. He threatened to unplug the machine, but he was only joking. Every time she noticed Hobi looking at her, she had to remind herself how to breathe. Every time he smiled at her the butterflies hidden in her stomach began to swarm in a frenzy. How did this happen, she wondered? She'd known him for two years, where did these feelings come from suddenly? 

She found herself alone with him for a few minutes when Jimin and JK went to get more drinks that they didn't need. She nervously started a new game. She saw him coming near her in her peripheral vision. She also noticed her heartbeat racing. "Breathe," she told herself.

She kept her eyes on the pinball machine. She pulled the lever for another ball, and he stood so close to her, their arms gently touched each other. She inhaled and exhaled slowly while closing her eyes for a moment too long and he noticed. 

He leaned over to her and asked in a way too sexy of a voice, "Are you having fun?"

"Yes," she said looking away from the pinball machine and losing her ball. 

His eyes were locked on hers and they pulled her in like a trance. She turned to face him. She didn't know where the words came from or even realize it was her talking until she heard her own voice ask, "Can we pretend we're on a date?"

He leaned in, placed his hand on her hip and pressed his cheek against hers and whispered, "We don't have to pretend," and slowly licked the edge of her ear. 

He pulled away and looked down at her with desire in his eyes.

A wave of heat rushed through her body and a soft moan ran across her lips. She looked up at him meeting his glare and ran her eyes down to his lips. She slowly licked her lips, giving him an invitation to kiss her. 

He accepted and leaned down and pressed his lips on hers. She had heard the phrase weak in the knees her whole life, but she didn't realize it was an actual thing until she experienced it. The kiss was slow and sensual sending signals of euphoria to all her nerve endings. He wrapped his arms around her lower back and pulled her close to him. She ran her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, lightly scrapping her nails across his scalp spreading chill bumps across his skin. He pulled away just enough to whisper, "That feels good," before kissing her more. She left one hand running through his hair and let the other run slowly across his cheek and down his neck to his muscular chest. How had she not fell for him before now she wondered. 

Jimin and JK came back in the room with their drinks and were shocked at the sight of Lara and Hobi kissing. They both looked at each other with a surprised expression before turning back to look. JK elbowed Jimin's arm and smiled. Jimin smiled back and motioned for them to leave the room to give them privacy. 

Hobi hands ran up Lara's back and rested on her shoulders for a moment before he moved them to caress her face. He kissed her a few seconds longer before pulling away from her, but not before taking her bottom lip into his mouth and sucking it and then leaving it with a light bite. They both stood entwined, staring at each other trying to steady their breath.

"When did "we" happen?" she asked.

"I don't know, but I like it," Hobi said with a smile and leaned down to kiss her nose.

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