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I stare at the now shocked Uchiha who are definitely not supposed to be in this world. My expression is calm, but I'm ready for any attack. I have to live my life, for my brother.

Sasuke- "What even are you? Are you human or are you an animal?"

"I don't even know. I'm part human and wolf, I'm guessing." I respond, even though I know it was a rhetorical question.

Madara- "sigh , either way, we are staying with you. You took us in, so now you have to take care of us."

"Fine with me. It's not like anyone else lives with me. Besides, if you needed a home, you could've just asked anyone." I say, knowing there wasn't any choice for me.

Itachi- "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, you could have literally asked anyone on the streets. Everyone knows about you here. You are from a Television Show called Naruto where we watch Naruto's life as he gets older, even his dark past which was quite rude of you, Obito and Madara." I explain to them. They look even more confused.

"What I'm saying is that where you are from, you are fictional characters that Japanese people had decided to create through Anime, which is drawn versions of people's lives that don't exist. I'm sorry, I'm not really good at explaining." I try to explain more.

Shisui- "It's alright! Atleast you tried!"

There was a moment of silence before everyone's stomach grumbled, mine being the loudest. I sweatdrop as everyone looks at me.

"Alright, follow me." I say as I walk out of the guest bedroom. They hesitate before following.

I head to the kitchen to make something to eat. I open the fridge and sigh.

"Uh.. All I've got is milk and some cereal. If you don't know what that is, it's basically hardened bread with some flavor added." I explain, again.

Itachi- "It's alright, we don't need anything special. Right, guys?"

He gets a bunch of "Hn's" in response. I shrug and grab out the gallon of milk and grab the cereal from the top of the fridge, struggling a little.

I grab 7 bowls from the cabinet and place them all infront of me. I fill up as many as I can, but only get to 6 of them. I pour milk into the bowls with cereal and put the 7th bowl away. I grab 6 spoons from the silverware drawer and hand them to the boys.

Shisui- "What about you?"

"Hm? Oh, I'll just have some milk. I don't have anymore cereal."

Shisui- "Your the one who sounded the hungriest! Don't you have anything else to eat?"

"Uh.. I haven't left my apartment in a couple of days (nor eaten in that time), so that means I haven't gone to the store in a while."

Sasuke- "Why haven't you? You seem like a lively person. Like Naruto."

"Well, I've lost a couple of people who were important to me. You all know how that feels, don't you?" I ask. They all nod before they look at their spoons.

Dark Thoughts (Uchiha Kittens) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now