Shocking conclusion

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Just a short reminder that I will be adding trigger warnings in front of every chapter that needs one!

In case everyone is wondering. This is a book where male pregnancy is a thing. If you don't like it and comment badly in any way, I will remove it. Just be nice and honest then there should be no problem.

⚠️Child Abuse, Bullying and description of anatomy, miscarriage⚠️

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Wooyoung's POV:

It all started in a small suburban area in Seoul. My parents were proud owners of a luxurious property in which I grew up.

As prestigious people, they also behaved in exactly the same way. A lot of emphasis was placed on appearance and etiquette. Above all, however, their reputation was the most important to them.

In retrospect, this was probably the main reason why they had not told anyone about my birth defect and why they had never given me medical treatment I would have needed to live a normal life.

Due to my condition, my parents did not let me go to kindergarten. I was therefore cared for at home by yearly changed babysitters to who I barely was able to get used to. They were not able to endure my parents and did not want to work any further for them.

When I was allowed to go out, it was only under the supervision of a babysitter, who was not allowed to let me have contact with other kids on the playground, which often led to me sitting alone in the playground area and anyone who approached was turned away by my babysitter.

This made me very uncomfortable even as a toddler. Again and again I looked for the proximity to find playmates. However, never with success.

I never understood why I had to be alone, why I could only envy the others from afar when they played together with their friends.

I didn't know until I was six years old that there was something wrong with me, that I was different from the other boys my age. It wasn't until I started elementary school and I was not supervised by a babysitter and I could play with others. I started to realize that I preferred playing with girls rather than boys.

Of course, I was teased for it. By everyone. By the boys because I kept playing with dolls instead of cars and by the girls because I was acting weird while playing with them.

My two older brothers, who are much older than me, used to pick me up. Not once had my parents picked me up. I always asked them if they knew what was wrong with me, why I was behaving so differently. But they never said anything. They were not allowed to.

Thinking back, the time when I was away from home and in school was the best, because when I was at home, I was punished severely for my strong mood swings and freak-outs. My father had often beaten me with his belt and at some point I knew that if he looked at me and didn't say a word, it was time. He then always got up from his chair quite calmly and took me by the hand to take me into their bedroom. My mother just watched and she knew what was happening. There's no way she didn't know because my pain-ridden screams were echoing through the whole house. Every attempt and even thought of my two older brothers to help me was dismissed. They were not allowed to help me even if they wanted to. Too great was their fear of what they would do to themselves if they mistreated a small child to the point that it could not go to school for two weeks.

As soon as the school had mentioned my constant absence, I was taken down and sent to another school which always meant a lot of stress because it was difficult for me to get used to new surroundings, which then reflected in my mood and my behavior.

Dear Baby - woosanWhere stories live. Discover now